SUpport program of Capital Contribution to Early-Stage companies (SUCCESS)

Our Program

Purpose & Values

The Support Program of Capital Contribution to Early-Stage Companies (SUCCESS) provides capital and hands-on such as personnel and technical assistance to ambitious startup companies that wish to put the R&D results from JST’s various initiatives into practical use.

We aim to create a "stimulation effect” in which JST becomes a shareholder for startups and helps gather capital from the private sector. As well as financial support we offer our facilities and intellectual properties, enabling the effective utilization of unused patents held by JST and universities.

We will promote the practical use and social benefit of JST’s R&D results through the creation and growth of startup companies.

Subject to Investment and Support

A company must follow the following two terms and conditions to be eligible for this program. We also give advice for establishing a company.

  • It must be a startup aiming to put the R&D results of JST into practical use.
  • It must be a startup in the seed or early stage of business .

Content of Investment

  • Investable assets by JST:
    Money, intellectual properties and research facilities possessed by JST
  • Upper limits on investment:**
    • Investment ratio: Half of the total voting rights in principle
    • Amount of investment: 500 million yen per company (cumulative amount)

*Conditions for both the investment ratio and the amount of investment must be satisfied.