《サイエンスアゴラオンライン》 |
《前夜祭》 |
《サイエンスアゴラ実地開催》 |
地球上で最も温暖化が進む北極。「知る」「体験する」「伝える」をキーワードに、北極の今を知り、その未来をArCS II研究者と語り合いましょう!北極やArCS IIに関する展示に加え、研究者による今年の北極観測の報告、衛星観測データを利用した授業開発ワークショップ、北極ボードゲーム『The Arctic』体験会を開催します(当日参加も可能ですが、以下の登録ページから事前登録をお勧めします)。
The Arctic region is where the impact of global warming is most evident. With keywords of "Know," "Experience," and "Communicate," let's get to know about the current state of the Arctic and discuss the future with ArCS II researchers! In addition to an exhibition on the Arctic and ArCS II, we will provide "Science Talks" with researchers who joined the Arctic observations, workshops on developing lesson plans using satellite observation data, and playing "The Arctic," a board game for the changing Arctic. Please register in advance from the following registration form.