





World Science Forum in Cape Town: Social justice and the science for the future

科学技術振興機構、協力 ハンガリー大使館、南アフリカ共和国大使館
Japan Science and Technology Agency, Embassy of Hungary Tokyo, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Japan

場所:テレコムセンタービル 1Fブース



世界科学フォーラム(WSF)シリーズは、ハンガリー科学アカデミーがユネスコ、ICSU、AAASと共同で1999年に開催した「世界科学会議」を前身とし、以降、科学界と社会に同時に影響を及ぼす重大な問題について対話を行う2年に1度のフォーラムです。今年は「社会正義のための科学:Science for Social Justice」をテーマに、南アフリカのケープタウンで開催されます。このブースでは、10月21日に行われる連携オンライン企画「社会正義と未来への科学」での対話成果もポスターで展示し、参加者が自由にコメントを残せるような場を作ります。WSF2022のテーマを一緒に考えてみませんか?

This year, the World Science Forum (WSF) - Science for Social Justice - will be held in Cape Town in December. This booth will review the online related session "World Science Forum (WSF) 2022 in Cape Town: Science for Social Justice", which will be held on 21 October and encourage you to consider what and how we should leverage science for social justice.

The WSF series was inspired by the success of the prestigious meeting "World Conference on Science for the Twenty-First Century: a New Commitment", held between 26 June to 1 July 1999 in Budapest, Hungary and convened by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council for Science (ICSU), in co-operation with other partners. Driven by the need for a forum for discussion between the scientific community and society, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in partnership with UNESCO, ICSU and AAAS established a series of follow-up events called World Science Forum, taking place biennially in Budapest. Scientists, politicians, decision-makers and representatives of civil society conducted fruitful dialogue on burning issues affecting the scientific world and society simultaneously, and summed up the common tasks ahead of us. The growing international interest in the World Science Forum shows that there is a growing consensus: World Science Forum has become the leading event of global science policy today.




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