R&D Project


Goal 8 R&D ProjectsActuator Location Optimization for Large Degree-of-Freedom Fields

Project manager (PM)NONOMURA TakuProfessor, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University

Summary of the project

Towards weather control, it is necessary to solve the bottleneck of unknown actuator locations to maximize weather control effectiveness. In this project, we will organize, develop, and evaluate location position optimization methods. We will show that the actuator location obtained by the method developed in this project improves the control effectiveness by numerical simulation.

Milestone by the end of project (year 2024)

We are going to significantly improve the control effectiveness by the actuators (control input) at the location optimized by the proposed method. For this purpose, we develop and evaluate actuator (control input) location optimization methods.

R&D theme progress reports

R&D theme structure of the project

R&D theme structure of the project
R&D theme structure of the project

Leader's institution

Nagoya University

R&D institutions

Nagoya University, Tohoku University

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