Strategic Objective
Opening up of unexplored exploration space of materials with multi-element, composite, and metastable phases based on elements strategy
Research supervisor

Hiroshi Kageyama(Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
The main aim of this research is to design new functional materials which will expand our fundamental knowledges in material science. These new materials are expected to be originated from simple but original ideas, and potentially prepared by using unconventional techniques. These new materials, together with the new designing principles, will help us solve challenges this society is currently facing, including but not limited to issues in areas of environment, natural resource, energy, medicine and health.
Specifically, the project will focus on the synthesis and characterization of materials strongly related to energy, electronics, medicine and environment. There are three perspectives regarding the research scheme: A scheme of ‘multi-elements’, in which materials containing different elements will be synthesized and investigated to understand how to combine the advantages of different elements; A scheme of ‘functional composites’ in which one will study how compositions/configurations of different elements in new materials affect the functionalities; A scheme of ‘metastable phases’, in which careful kinetic control will be employed to produce metastable materials.
In addition, the project aims to realize new synthetic pathways and designing principles (new theories) into ‘future functional material’. Aim for research with a challenging approach backed up by a broad perspective, including the clarification of principles and the construction of principles by combining these with computational science, data-driven science such as machine learning, cutting-edge operand measurement techniques, and more, in order to establish technology for materials creation synthesis techniques and process control techniques.
Research Area Advisors
Takahisa Arima |
Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo/Deputy Director, Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN |
Yasuhide Inokuma |
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University |
Rie Umetsu |
Professor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University |
Hiromichi Ohta |
Professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University |
Hiroshi Ohtani |
Fellow, Toyota Riken Fellow, Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute |
Shuichiro Ogawa |
Senior Manager, Corporate R&D Innovation Strategy Department, Asahi Kasei Corporation |
Kazuki Nakanishi |
Associate Professor, Institute of Materials and System for Sustainability, Nagoya University |
Kazuhiko Maeda |
Professor,School of Science,Institute of Science Tokyo |
Nobuhiro Yanai |
Professor, School of Science, The University of Tokyo |
Naoaki Yabuuchi |
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University |
Research Projects
- Year Started : 2021
- Year Started : 2022
- Year Started : 2023