[Multicellular interaction] Year Started : 2021

Masato Enomoto

Understanding the multicellular networks controlling epithelial tissue repair

Masato Enomoto

Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Biostudies
Kyoto University


Tissue remodeling after injury is a complex process that is coordinated by cell-cell communication among epithelial cells, immune cells, fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells. However, the mechanism by which damaged tissue is reconstructed via four-dimensional (4D) coordination of multiple biological events in vivo is still elusive. In this research, to understand the spatiotemporal mechanism of tissue repair and regeneration, I elucidate the molecular basis of multicellular networks that drive epithelial remodeling upon injury using Drosophila genetics and live-imaging analyses.

Toshihiro Omori

Mechanical mechanisms that form the asymmetry of the body

Toshihiro Omori

Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering
Tohoku University


Asymmetry of the body is determined by a tissue called the node, which is found in early embryos. It has been shown that the asymmetry is caused by the presence of water flow in the node, and that the immotile cilia on the left side of the node sense the mechanical stimuli of the flow. However, it remains unclear why only the left cilium senses mechanical stimuli. In this study, I aim to elucidate the mechanical mechanism by which the left cilium senses mechanical stimuli by using computational fluid dynamics and structural analysis.

Daiji Kiyozumi

Regulatory mechanism of epithelial integrity and function by lumicrine signaling

Daiji Kiyozumi

PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency


Epithelial tissues develop hierarchal tissue structures, i.e., cell aggregate, sheet, and lumen, as they organize their own structures. Each hierarchical level of epithelial tissues has its own regulatory system based on structural characteristics. It remains, however, unknown whether there are systems that work based on luminal tissue structure. In this project, lumicrine, a recently found signaling system working in mammalian reproductive tract as a model will be specially focused on to clarify the system that regulate epithelial tissues at higher structural levels.

Tatsuaki Goh

Mechanisms of plant movement driven by the integration of individual cellular dynamics

Tatsuaki Goh

Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Nara Institute of Science and Technology


Differential growth linked with the asymmetric distribution of plant hormone auxin controls the directed movement of plant organ. However, spatiotemporal cellular dynamics of the differential growth remains unknown. In this study, we will perform quantitative imaging analyses of individual cellular dynamics during plant gravitropic response, and reveal the regulatory mechanisms of the differential growth to promote plant movement.

Katsuyoshi Takaoka

Multicellular dynamics of embryonic diapause in mammalian embryos.

Katsuyoshi Takaoka

Associate Professor
Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences
Tokushima University


What is the mechanism for embryonic dispute and reactivation? This project is based on the original idea that embryonic diapause is regulated by a programmed multicellular system. I will tackle this project with the cellular- and tissue-specific large-scale KO technology, which I established recently, multi-omics study, and live-imaging of mouse embryos.

Tetsuya Takano

Cell-Type-Specific Connect Proteomics to Decipher Chemo-Affinity Codes

Tetsuya Takano

PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency


The human brain is composed of about 100 billion neurons and more glial cells. Individual neurons and glial cells dramatically change their connectivity during development to build neural networks responsible for higher brain functions. Recent advancements with transcriptome profiling and cell biological approaches have provided insight into how each cell contact in the brain. However, despite these advances, it has been technically difficult to profile the molecular composition at the cell-type-specific cell-cell contacts in vivo. In this project, I will develop a novel proteomic approach “Connect proteomics” to decipher molecular networks that controlling the cell-type-specific connection in the brain. The novel approach would discover the molecular mechanisms of the multicellular associations in vivo.

Satoshi Toda

Exploring design principles of multicellular patterning by engineering customized cell-cell communications

Satoshi Toda

Associate professor
Institute for Protein Research
Osaka University


During animal development, cells communicate with each other to generate complex multicellular patterns. This multicellular patterning is remarkably precise and reproducible even inside tissues containing lots of dynamic cellular and molecular interactions and their fluctuations. In this project, I will create synthetic multicellular model systems by engineering customized cell-cell communications to explore what kind of cell-cell communication rules are sufficient for precise multicellular patterning such as spots and gradient. In addition to studying principles, I aim to apply the technology for engineering multicellular patterns to program synthetic gene expression patterns inside organoids to form organoids with desired structures and cell components.

Taichi Noda

Elucidation of gamete interaction and its dynamics using genetically modified mice

Taichi Noda

Associate Professor
Priority Organization for Innovation and Excellence
Kumamoto University


After sperm-oocyte adhesion and fusion, the paternal chromosomes are incorporated into oocytes and the oocytes are simultaneously activated, leading to the fertilization. Recently, I found sperm proteins required for sperm-oocyte fusion. In this study, I want to reveal how these proteins control sperm-oocyte fusion using genetically modified mice, and the role of sperm proteins taken up by fusion in oocyte activation.

Hidehiko Hashimoto

A novel mechanosensing mechanism through separation of cell-cell contacts

Hidehiko Hashimoto

Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences
Osaka University


Multicellular organisms build tissues and organs by dynamically establishing and disassembling adhesions between neighboring cells. Using embryonic development of ascidians, a basal chordate, as a model for epithelial cell rearrangement, I will visualize the binding dynamics of adhesion molecules between cells. In doing so, I will verify the existence of a novel mechanosensing pathway, mechanical stimulus → separation of cell-cell contacts → biochemical signaling. Concurrently, I elucidate the mechanics and molecular mechanisms underlying the novel mechanosensing pathway working for the tissue morphogenesis.

Yukinori Hirano

Understanding the behavioral diversity through the chemoconnectome

Yukinori Hirano

Assistant Professor
Life Science Division
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Recent advances in neuroscience provided a comprehensive map of the brain neural network, so called connectome. Although the connectome demonstrates basic principles of the information processing, it is not fully understand how animals produce various types of different behavior in a single connectome. The individual synapses between the neurons could be biochemically distinguished, which could induce diversity in behavioral outputs, although details are unknown. In this study, I investigate the synaptic chemical diversity that explains the complicated animal behavior.

Yuuta Moriyama

Sensing system for embryonic geometry and spatio-temporal dynamics underlying embryogenesis

Yuuta Moriyama

Assistant Professor
College of Science and Engineering
Aoyama Gakuin University


Orchestrated regulations of gene expression and cell behaviour are fundamental aspect in embryogenesis. In this study, I address some questions by focusing on the process of gastrulation: how gene expressions are regulated based on embryonic geometry, and how single/collective cell behaviours are spatio-temporally regulated, both of which are important for building up an embryo. Through analyzing these, I address and aim comprehensive understanding of embryogenesis, bridging local (cell/cells behaviour and interaction) and global (axial/regional patterning of an embryo) dynamics in embryogenesis.

Yasuhito Yahara

Intra-cellular and inter-nuclear transcriptional dynamics driven by distinct nuclei in a single multinucleated cell

Yasuhito Yahara

Associate Professor
Graduate School of Medicine
Osaka University


Each individual nuclei can regulate the cellular function of multinucleated osteoclast. However, it remained challenging to comprehensively investigate transcriptional heterogeneity of multinucleated cells driven by each single nucleus. Therefore, in this study, we have set two aims; the first is to elucidate the intra-cellular and inter-nuclear transcriptional dynamics during cell-cell interaction and fusion. The second is to explore the spatiotemporal evolution of the transcriptional state of each nucleus in individual multinucleated osteoclast during steady-state and disease. Here, I will develop a novel technology that enables me to examine the transcriptional status of multiple nuclei in individual osteoclasts. Understanding the intracellular dynamics of osteoclasts regulated by multiple nuclei will provide new insights into osteoclast differentiation, activation, and dysfunction.

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