R&D Projects

Storage battery Area Development of Lithium-Air Secondary Batteries Characterized by Lightweight, Compact, and High Capacity

Project Leader

Group Leader



Lithium-air batteries offer the highest theoretical gravimetric energy density among various types of secondary batteries, providing the potential for lightweight, compact, and high-capacity storage. However, current challenges include the lack of stable battery materials that are tolerant against the reactive oxygen species generated during battery reactions, as well as the large charging overvoltage caused by the poor decomposability of discharge products, resulting in insufficient charge-discharge cycle performance. This study proposes a fundamental solution based on the new concept of "discharge product engineering". Through deep collaborations between materials informatics, advanced analytical chemistry, and experimental battery chemistry, we aim to achieve both a high gravimetric energy density and favorable cycle performance.

R&D Team

The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Osaka University, Hokkaido University, Kobe University, National Institute of Materials Science, Nagoya University, National Institute for Fusion Science


Summary (394KB)

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