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Helping to identify mechanisms of lead pollution in Zambia, and proposing effective antipollution measures.

Helping to identify mechanisms of lead pollution in Zambia, and proposing effective antipollution measures.

Research Fields and Areas

Environment/Energy (Global-scale environmental issues)

What is the background of the study?


Metal pollution caused by undergound resource development is one of the most serious environmental pollution issues facing African countries. In the Kabwe district of Zambia in southern Africa, for example, both humans and livestock are exposed to high concentrations of lead. However, the mechanism of lead contamination of people and animals has yet to be identified, and no specific measures have been taken, while the health and economic risks remain unknown. The aim of this project was to ascertain the impact of metal pollution caused by underground resource development in the Kabwe district of Zambia on the ecosystem and the community as a whole, to predict its future course, and to propose measures for risk mitigation.

Many developing countries are dependent on ore exports. The Kabwe district is said to be one of the ten most highly polluted areas in the world (according to a report by the US environmental group Pure Earth).

Who is the Principal Investigator?


Prof.ISHIZUKA Mayumi

Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University

Luke E Mumba

Prof.Luke E Mumba

Vice Chancellor, The University of Zambia

What have they achieved?


They successfully identified the main route taken by lead into people and livestock (the lead pollution mechanism)!

Although lead does find its way into the bodies of people and animals in what they eat and drink, they obtained scientific data showing that in the Kabwe region it is the lead in dust that is inhaled together with air that increases the concentration of lead in their blood. They also calculated the economic loss due to pollution-related damage and the economic effects of measures to deal with it.

Groundwater sampling survey in the region

Groundwater sampling survey in the region

Interview survey of local residents about family structure and economic status

Interview survey of local residents about family structure and economic status

In Japan, water was the main route of heavy metal pollution, but they showed that in the Kabwe region it occurs mainly via the air.


They designed environmental remediation technology!

They showed that the most cost-effective method of preventing the dispersion of dust was to cover the soil with plants or the like. They submitted this proposal, together with a manual for surveying lead concentration in blood, to Zambian government agencies and the World Bank.

Experimental planting

Livestock blood sample collection

Livestock blood sample collection

Lemongrass, their suggested solution, is not only useful for preventing the dispersion of dust, but can also be used to produce an essential oil (lemongrass oil) for sale, increasing the income of local residents.


In collaboration with the ZMERIP project run by Zambian government agencies and the World Bank, they also tested around 10,000 children in the survey region, contributing to their treatment for lead poisoning!

They provided the World Bank project with their data on the blood lead concentrations of local residents obtained during this project. This enabled the World Bank project to prioritize lead poisoning treatment in the areas most severely affected by lead pollution.

What happens next?

Metal pollution due to the development of underground resources is an issue common to many African countries. Their results may be extended to other regions and to countries other than Zambia.
This project finished in FY2022, but they will continue to carry out research in collaboration with the World Bank.

Mines in the Kabwe mining area

Mines in the Kabwe mining area

Please see the project's webpage for details.

Environment/Energy (Global-scale environmental issues)


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