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Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System


Republic of Indonesia


Optimizing Mariculture based on Big Data with Decision Support System

Utilizing big data to advance marine culture and capture

  • SDGs14
  • SDGs10

Principal Investigator

    • Prof.
      WADA Masaaki

      School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate
    • researchmap
    • Scientist
      Hatim Albasri

      Center for Fisheries Research (CFR), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP)

ODA Recipient Country

Republic of Indonesia

Research Institutions in Japan

Future University Hakodate / Tokyo University of Agriculture / National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College / Mie University / Fujitsu Limited / Upside LLC. / New Media Development Association

Research Institutions in Counterpart Country

Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) / Bogor Agricultural University

Adoption fiscal year

FY 2016

Research Period

5 Years

Overview of the Research Project

Using information and communications technology to support sustainable marine culture and capture adapted to climate change
Marine culture and capture in Indonesia have a high potential for job creation and the development of fishing communities. Their production, however, is unstable because of difficulties in adapting to the environmental changes caused by climate change. The project will generate big data by quantifying and digitizing the marine environment and traceability of marine products by utilizing ICT* and analyze the generated data to establish marine culture and capture technologies based on a scientific analysis of big data. In addition, a cloud-based service will be developed and rolled out through Indonesia as a decision-making support system.
* ICT・・・Information and Communications Technology

Contribute to the development of fishing communities and global food security through advancement of marine culture and capture
Advancement of marine culture and capture will help invigorate economic circulation in fishing communities, opening up opportunities for higher education and freedom of occupational choices to local people, which in turn will help mitigate poverty and close economic gaps. Moreover, ensuring stable and systematic marine production in Indonesia, which has the second-longest coastline in the world, will contribute to global food security.

Photo gallery

Shipment of groupers

Survey of actual status using sketches

On-site development work

Research Project Web site

Press Release


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