Magnetic thermal management materials (MTMMs) are a new class of functional materials that use magnetism to convert, control, and transfer thermal energy. Creating these materials requires harnessing spin physics for thermal engineering applications—and this, in turn, requires transcending the traditional barriers that separate various disciplines of science and engineering. This project, based at Japan’s National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), includes researchers from a wide range of backgrounds—including condensed-matter physics, metallurgy (permanent magnet development), nanostructure analysis, thermal measurement, and heat-transfer engineering—working in concert to create MTMMs.

Thermal Management Principle and Functionality Development Group
(NIMS & The University of Tokyo)This group oversees the tasks of proposing structures and identifying new principles for the three new types of MTMMs our project is working to create. This group collaborates organically with each of the other groups and works on synthesizing materials, characterizing physical properties, and constructing modules.
◯Spin Caloritronics Group, CMSM, NIMS
◯Uchida & Nakanishi Lab., Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate school of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo Structure Analysis Group
(NIMS)This group uses SEM, TEM, atom probes, and other advanced metrological tools to perform multiscale structure analysis of MTMMs and their parent materials, establishing protocols for the design and synthesis of magnetic-hybrid materials.
◯Green Magnetic Materials Group, NIMS Thermal Management Device Group
(NIMS)The mission of this group is to improve the properties of thermoelectric permanent magnets and magnetic bulk thermal-switching materials by developing/exploring new substances and turning substances into new devices.
◯Magnetic Functional Device Group, NIMS Material Synthesis Group
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)By synthesizing layered compounds with precision control over the configurations of atoms and electron spins, this group works to improve the properties of MTMMs by supplying novel materials and developing new thermal-switching principles.
◯Superconductiong Material (Mizuguchi) Lab., Department of Physics, TMU Thermal Measurement Group
(AIST)The mission of this group is to elucidate the mechanisms of thermal transport in MTMMs by developing techniques for high speed, high spatial resolution, high precision measurement of thermal properties, and constructing theories of heat conduction mediated by phonons and interfaces.
◯Material Structure and Property Analysis Research Group, AIST Control Engineering Fusion Group
(Nagoya University)The mission of this group is twofold: (1) to develop techniques for visualization and quantitative measurement of heat-transfer phenomena in MTMMs and (2) to create new thermal devices exploiting the capabilities of MTMMs for converting, controlling, and transferring thermal energy.
◯Thermal Control Engineering Group, Nagoya University