The goal of ERATO Uchida Magnetic Thermal Management Materials Project is
to explore new frontiers in applied thermal engineering—including thermoelectric conversion, thermal switching,
and magnetic refrigeration—through the creation of magnetic thermal management materials,
a new class of advanced energy materials that use magnetism to control heat.

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Research Targets

Research Groups

This project, based at Japan’s National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), includes researchers from
a wide range of backgrounds—including condensed matter physics, metallurgy (permanent magnet development),
nanostructure analysis, thermal measurement, and heat-transfer engineering—working in concert
to create magnetic thermal management materials.

Research Groups

Message from Research Director

The core mission of this project is to connect microscopic thermo-spin conversion principles—which, to date, have only been available at the nanoscale—to the macroscopic material properties. To transcend the barriers separating the macroscopic and microscopic worlds, we combine methods for controlling phase interfaces with multiscale materials-science techniques based on cutting-edge insights into spin caloritronics—a field that was previously restricted to proof-of-concept experiments and exploration of individual functionalities, but is now in the process of being revolutionized by the results of our research.

Ken-ichi UCHIDA

Ken-ichi UCHIDA

ERATO Research Director, Japan Science and Technology Agency

Distinguished Group Leader, Spin Caloritronics Group
Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, National Institute for Materials Science

Professor, Department of Advanced Materials Science
Graduate school of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo