AIP Network Lab

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Message from the Laboratory Director

The rapid progress of artificial intelligence converging with related technologies such as robotics is giving great influence on our lives by making the workforce more efficient and sophisticated. Human beings are needed to be more creative to enrich our society by conducting cultural work. Recognizing such circumstances, AIP network laboratory was established to strongly support research on artificial intelligence related areas.

AIP network laboratory orchestrates relevant research areas in the strategic basic research programs and extends the range of researchers' exchanges that had been working for each research area to all areas across the laboratory. It is an attempt to further advance collaboration leading to the creation of new value. Moreover, we will promote self-motivated research and development of by young researchers.

AIP network laboratory is actively working on internationalization. We actively transmit research results both in Japan and abroad, and promote international collaborative symposiums and international joint research. In addition, for research projects that achieved excellent research results, we are trying to maximize them by implementing a laboratory-unique support program.

The AIP network laboratory, which was established in FY 2016, is currently composed of 19 areas including CREST, PRESTO and ACT-X , and the total number of researchers related to the lab will be more than 2,000. There is no other large-scale project in information science. Since researchers with various ideas participate from a wide range of fields, many new ideas are incubated by interaction among researchers. I strongly expect that they will demonstrate a big presence in the future.

Katsumi EMURA
Laboratory Director


  • Co-Lab.


  • ACT-i
  • ACT-X


  • RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
  • 産総研・人工知能研究センター
  • 脳情報通信融合研究センター
  • NEDO・AIポータル