R&D Areas

Semiconductor Area

Program Officer (PO)

KURODA Tadahiro

KURODA Tadahiro

(University Professor, Office of University Professor, The University of Tokyo)

Deputy Program Officer (Deputy PO)



(Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)


In this technology area, we aim to radically reduce power consumption of semiconductors for information and communication infrastructure. Specifically, we aim to develop semiconductor device and process technologies for ultra-low power logic and memory, innovative transmission hardware technologies that reduce power consumption per communication bit by several orders of magnitude, and materials and implementation methods that achieve highly efficient thermal management. We will also develop highly efficient and reliable power conversion and control circuits, inverter/converter stabilization technology, and other technologies to improve the energy efficiency and reliability of large-scale, complex power grids

R&D Projects

Small Phase

<Adopted in FY2023> R&D Project Title Summary R&D Period
Creation of ultra-wideband virtual impedance circuit for highly reliable and high-power density power converter
ITOH Junichi
(PDF:469KB) 2023.11~
Sense & Drive IC for Energy-Saving of Power Devices
(PDF:666KB) 2023.11~
3DIC thermal management based on phonon engineering
NOMURA Masahiro
(PDF:668KB) 2023.11~
Performance Balance Engineering for Hetero-integrate 3D CFET SRAM
MAEDA Tatsuro
(PDF:1.09MB) 2023.11~
Spin-functional optoelectronic interface using 0-2D hybrid semiconductors
(PDF:545KB) 2023.11~

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Area Advisor (AD)

KANAYAMA Toshihiko Special Emeritus Advisor, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
SHIMIZU Toshihisa Specially Appointed Professor, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Metropolitan University
TAKAGI Shinichi Professor, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
TAKAHASHI Ryo Chief Senior Researcher, Network Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology
DEGUCHI Jun Group Manager, Frontier Technology R&D Institute, KIOXIA Corporation
TORIUMI Akira Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo
NISHI Hiroaki Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
FUJITA Masayuki Professor, College of Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
YAMAOKA Masanao Department Manager, Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
YUKITA Kazuto Chief Professor, Eco-Electric Research Center, Aichi Institute of Technology