How to apply /
Timeline from application for the dates of Science Agora

How to apply

Science Agora 2022 Participation Outline [PDF: 866KB]

Science Agora 2022 Application form [Excel: 40KB]

If you are interested in application for Science Agora, please send E-mail to the secretariat of Science Agora.

Timeline from application for the dates of Science Agora

The planned schedule in 2022 is as follows. We will update it as needed.

Deadline for proposals submission Thursday, June 30
Selection in July
Decisions announced Early August
Deadline for the submissions of each program End of August
Website of Science Agora 2022 open Late September
Distribute organizer’s manual Late September
Pre-registration open Early October
Online events Thursday, October 20 - Saturday, October 22
Pre-events Tuesday, November 1
Onsite events Friday, November 4 - Sunday, November 6
Pages exclusively for contributors
To access the exclusive page where the program’s detailed information can be entered, you will need an ID and password. Upon preparation of your ID and password, please click the following Login button to access the exclusive page.
The information is in Japanese.



*You will be transitioned to another site.

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