アゴラ2014 開幕セッション・キーノートセッション 開催報告

Agora Keynote Session 1 "Integration for Science and Technology Innovation"


Today, it is expected that science and technology will provide innovative solutions to our lifestyle and society. In order to encourage science and technology innovation, natural science and social science integration, as well as integration of ideas, technologies, components or processes are considered to be essential. In this session, we will discuss how we can promote integration toward science and technology innovation.

■開催概要/Session Information

■登壇者/Presenter and Moderator:

中村道治 科学技術振興機構 理事長
Michiharu Nakamura, President, Japan Science and Technology Agency


Michiharu Nakamura pioneered semiconductor DFB laser development at Hitachi Central Research Laboratory after completing his studies at the University of Tokyo. He was then appointed Executive Vice President and Executive Officer of Hitachi Ltd., before serving as Board of Director until September 2011. He has served for the Industrial R&D Committee of the Japan Business Federation, Council of Competitiveness Japan, and Nanotechnology Business Creation Initiative (NBCI).

中村道治 科学技術振興機構 理事長

冨山和彦 経営共創基盤 代表取締役CEO
Kazuhiko Toyama, CEO, Industrial Growth Platform Inc.

東京大学法学部卒、スタンフォード大学経営学修士(MBA)、司法試験合格。BCG、CDI代表取締役社長を経て、産業再生機構COOに就任。機構解散後IGPIを設立し現在に至る。 オムロン社外取締役、ぴあ社外取締役、みちのりホールディングス取締役を務める。

Kazuhiko Toyama is a founding member and former CEO of Corporate Directions, Inc., a Tokyo-based independent management consulting firm. He earned his MBA from Stanford University, and served at the Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan before founding Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI), which he currently runs as CEO. He currently serves as Vice Chairperson of KEIZAI DOYUKAI (Japan Association of Corporate Executives).

冨山和彦 経営共創基盤 代表取締役CEO

小寺秀俊 京都大学 教授
Hidetoshi Kotera, Professor, Kyoto University


Hidetoshi Kotera received his Ph.D. in engineering from Kyoto University. Afterwards, he joined the Central Research Laboratory of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd before returning to Kyoto University in 1993. Since then, he has been Professor of mechanical engineering and of micro-engineering, before being appointed as director of the President's Office, and then vice-president. In October 2012 he was appointed to executive vice president.

小寺秀俊 京都大学 教授

天野肇 特定非営利活動法人 ITS Japan 専務理事
Hajime Amano, Professor, Executive Director, ITS Japan


Hajime Amano joined Toyota Motor Co., Ltd., which later merged to become Toyota Motor Corporation, after studying engineering at the University of Tokyo. There, he served as General Manager in the ITS Planning Division, before becoming President and CEO of ITS Japan (on loan from Toyota Motor Corporation) in 2009.

天野肇 特定非営利活動法人 ITS Japan 専務理事

馬場章夫 大阪大学 理事・副学長
Akio Baba, Vice President, Osaka University


Akio Baba received his Ph.D in engineering from Osaka University before joining Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Limited. He returned to Osaka University in 1981, and has since held positions as Professor of engineering, Director of the Center for Advanced Science and Innovation, Dean to the Graduate School of Engineering, and Advisor to the President of the university.

馬場章夫 大阪大学 理事・副学長



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