[Platform Software]Strengthening ICT Infrastructure for Social Change

Strategic Objective

System Software Technology to support Safety, Security, and Trust in the era of Society 5.0

Research supervisor


Teruo Higashino(Vice-President, Kyoto Tachibana University)


 Japan is promoting Society 5.0, which aims for a data-driven society that will create new and unprecedented value: a society in which humans and objects are connected and a variety of knowledge and information is shared. To realize this, we must promote the strengthening of ICT infrastructure and digital reform so that we can safely and sustainably develop human social activity.
 The spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the process of carrying out measures against this have exposed a variety of challenges relating to ICT infrastructure and digital reform. The digital reform taking place in our social lives is meaningful in that it is allowing people to adapt their everyday lives to the current situation amid the COVID-19 pandemic, stimulating socioeconomic activities, and strengthening social resilience, but it is important to enhance security and protect individual privacy when this reform is being realized. We also need to develop software and systems based on Security-by-Design and Privacy-by-Design thinking.
 In recent years, people have promoted the development of new social systems, such as smart cities, autonomous driving, health and medical care using the Internet of Things (IoT), and the concept of GIGA schools. As AI, Big Data, and IoT technologies evolve, the environment surrounding information infrastructure is undergoing great change. We need the research and development of systems as a whole, understood from a by-Design perspective; domestically produced system software that we can trust in terms of safety and security; and the development of ICT infrastructure.
 In this research area, we will interact and inspire researchers of theories (with mathematical and computer science as a basic) and infrastructural technologies for social systems (algorithms, architecture, OSes, networks, databases, IoT, security, languages, etc.). We aim to strengthen the ICT infrastructure for social change by realizing the creation of science and technology innovation that strengthens international competitiveness and the creation of infrastructure software technology that supports security, safety, and trust. Furthermore, we will promote the training of human resources who will contribute to by-design through research and development that is conscious of solving these issues of future social systems and social change.
 Please note that this research area is managed as part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)’s Artificial Intelligence/Big Data/Internet of Things (IoT)/Cybersecurity Integration Project (AIP Project (Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform Project)).

Research Area Advisors

Tadashi Kaji Senior Chief Researcher, Center for Technology Innovation-System Engineering, Hitachi, Ltd.
Hiroaki Kikuchi Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University
Ichiro Satoh Professor, Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics
Hiroshi Shigeno Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Kana Shimizu Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Kenjiro Taura Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Hiroaki Takada Professor, Institutes of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University
Jin Nakazawa Professor, Faculty of Environment and Informatin Studies, Keio University
Tatsuya Mori Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Rie Yamaguchi Associate professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2021
  2. Year Started : 2022
  3. Year Started : 2023

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