[Quantum Software] Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing

Strategic Objective

Fundamentals for Quantum Computation

Research Supervisor


Akihisa Tomita (Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University)


 In this research area, we conduct research for “cleverly using” quantum as opposed to the research for “creating” quantum computer hardware by the integration of quantum bits and the control technology. “Cleverly using” here means to create a technology that works under restrictions provided by quantum mechanics and limitations in implementation, and enables large-scale quantum computation under a realistic environment.

 As the contents of the research, our targets include a wide range of themes other than the development of hardware, such as the quantum architecture and quantum software to realize the fault-tolerant quantum computer, the quantum algorithm to solve problems more efficiently than that in the conventional method, the high-level quantum information and communication technology that integrates the quantum sensor and the quantum computer, the information processing system that integrates the quantum technology and the classic IT technology, and the application to solve the social problems by using the quantum algorithm.

 Through the integration and collaboration across various academic disciplines, we aim to advance the research and development of innovative information processing methods and to create a technological foundation for realizing the quantum computing that can be deployed in the society.

Research Area Advisors

Koji Inoue Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Tadashi Kadowaki Joint Appointed Fellow, Global R&D Center for Business by Quantum-AI Technology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology/Project General Manager, Base&Core Technology R&I Dept., AI R&I Div., DENSOCORPORATION
Rina Kanamoto Pofessor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Meiji University
Tamiki Komatsuzaki Professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
Tadashi Takayanagi Professor, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Yuuki Tokunaga DistinguishedResearcher, Computer and Data Science Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Kengo Nakajima Professor, Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo/ Deputy Director, Center for Computational Science, RIKEN
Makoto Negoro Associate professor, Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology, Osaka University
Keisuke Fujii Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Hidehiko Masuhara Professor, School of Computing, Institute of Science Tokyo
Shigeru Yamashita Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2019
  2. Year Started : 2020
  3. Year Started : 2021

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