Strategic Objective
Fundamental technologies for next-generation IoT (Internet of Things) to create a future smart society
Research Supervisor
Hideyuki Tokuda (President, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
In a super-smart society, where Society 5.0 has been realized, it is expected that new value and services that cannot be obtained by the device itself would be generated. The new value and services are created by analyzing and utilizing the vast amounts of data generated by people and devices connected by the Internet of Things (IoT) in the cyber-physical system (CPS), and by analyzing and utilizing information technology such as AI and big data analysis. On the other hand, there is a threat of external attacks that exploit the vulnerabilities hidden in IoT devices; therefore, the development of advanced data collection, distribution, storage, and analysis infrastructure, considering IoT security and privacy that can withstand advanced attacks, is urgent.
To support the CPS of this super-smart society, it is important to devise a carbon-neutral system and a data ecosystem incorporating security and privacy protection at the design phase of the system. In particular, in order for Japan to lead the world, it is essential to accelerate research and development (R&D) on fundamental technologies to support the strategic use of this rapidly evolving IoT.
With a view to realizing a super-smart society, this research area aims to build a foundation for next-generation IoT technology that has evolved qualitatively and quantitatively, which cannot be obtained with a simple extension of the conventional technology. For example, we will promote challenging research based on the bold ideas of the technologies that solve the problems of real-time integration and decentralization of large amounts of data obtained from IoT devices, technologies that solve the problems of function, performance, and implementation in an IoT environment, and security and privacy technologies that fundamentally solve problems such as the vulnerability of IoT devices and data integrity.
This research area is a part of the “Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform Project (AIP project)” which is an initiative leveraging innovative AI technologies to conduct integrated research and development activities on big data, IoT, and cybersecurity.
This project is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and is executed by JST and RIKEN.
Research Area Advisors
Satoko Itaya |
Senior Researcher, Wireless Systems Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |
Tsukasa Ogino |
Representative Director, Connected Consumer Device Security Council/Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Institute of Information Security |
Hiroaki Kikuchi |
Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University |
Satoshi Kurihara |
Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio Univerity |
Kazue Sako |
Professor, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University |
Yoshito Tobe |
Professor, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University |
Jin Nakazawa |
Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University |
Takahiro Hara |
Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University |
Teruo Higashino |
Vice-President, Kyoto Tachibana University |
Katsunari Yoshioka |
Professor, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National Unversity |
Research Projects
- Year Started : 2019
- Year Started : 2020
- Year Started : 2021