[Blue Biosphere] Exploration of the Blue Biosphere-Climate System towards Carbon Cycle Management

Strategic Objective

Elucidation of the relationship between the ocean and CO2 and maximization of ocean functions

Research Supervisor


Jota Kanda(Specially Appointed Professor, Institute of Graduate School Education, Niigata University)


In this research area, we set our target to the ocean, and pursue sustainable mitigation of global warming. Our main subject is an accurate comprehension of the huge system of ocean and marine life, extending to the climate-induced changes of the ocean and subsequent interaction between the ocean and climate. We also address mitigation technology by artificial control of ecosystems on the line of enhancement of carbon dioxide absorption in the ocean.
The ocean is a highly significant component of the Earth’s climate system, owing to its vast surface area that interacts with the atmosphere by exchanging heat and substances such as carbon dioxide. In particular, the marine carbon cycle, which is driven by biological activities, reduces the greenhouse effect by retaining carbon dioxide as inorganic and organic carbon within the ocean interior. At present, however, the global warming has induced changes in this marine environment (blue biosphere) through modification in physical structure and enhanced carbon dioxide dissolution; the induced changes include sea level rise, more frequent extreme weather events, subsurface oxygen depletion and surface nutrient limitation with the enhanced stratification, and seawater acidification. It is essential to correctly understand these climate-induced oceanic changes and their impact on global climate, or the interaction between the ocean and climate.
In addition to the research concerning the interaction between the ocean and climate, we promote research on possible artificial control of marine ecosystems, or development and assessment of technology for artificial manipulations of marine carbon cycle towards global warming mitigation. Research proposals with employment of advanced technology in data science, artificial intelligence, information communication, material and device engineering, and in other areas are welcome. In addition to environmental science, meteorology, physical oceanography, analytical chemistry, ecology and life science, proposals from all the research disciplines will be considered. Also considered will be various research approaches including observation, theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, and shipboard experiments. Research covering any of spatial scales from the local to the global and any of time scales from the geological past to the future are also welcome. With all the research integrated, our understanding of marine carbon and other material cycles will contribute to the artificial regulation of them. Additionally, we achieve our strategic goals by full collaboration with the CREST research area Exploring the potential of ocean blue carbon through investigation of ocean and carbon cycling interactions.

Research Area Advisors

Daisuke Abe Managing Executive Officer, Service Operation and Development, Weathernews Inc.
Joji Ishizaka Professor, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University
Hiroshi Ogawa Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University pf Tokyo
Tsuneo Ono Chief Scientist, Fisheries Resources Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Michio Kawamiya Director, Research Institute for Global ChangeResearch Center for Environmental Modeling and Application, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Daisuke Kitazawa Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Hiroya Sugisaki Counselor, Research Strategy Department, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
Masahiro Suzumura Chief/Cordinator, Business Coordinate Division, AIST Solutions
Jun Nishioka Professor, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Yukihiro Nojiri Guest Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Koji Hamasaki Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Naomi Harada Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Kazumi Wakita Professor, School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2023
  2. Year Started : 2024

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