[Atsushi Mochizuki] Solving complex network systems based on theories to connect structure and dynamics

Research Director

Atsushi Mochizuki

Atsushi Mochizuki

Kyoto University


Modern biology provides complex network systems describing interactions between many species of molecules. However, we currently have a limited understanding for the dynamics based on such network systems. In this project we analyze three biological systems, gene regulatory network, signal transduction system, and metabolic network, by combining these theories and experimental methods. The dynamics of key molecules determined from networks are measured quantitatively. The predictions of unknown regulations are verified directly. By repeating predictions and tests, we will determine complete network systems and understand the principal mechanisms for the biological functions. Our goal is not only to understand the dynamics of three biological systems, but also to develop a new method to analyze complex network systems by combining theories and experiments.

Yutaka Sato Associate Professor, Kyoto Univ.
Michio Hiroshima Researcher, RIKEN
Masaki Matsumoto Associate Professor, Kyushu Univ.

Atsushi Mochizuki_figure

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