[Yuichi Iino] Elucidation of operating characteristics of the neural circuit based on observational data of the whole nervous system

Research Director

Yuichi Iino

Yuichi Iino

The University of Tokyo


The brain of animals, including that of human beings, processes information by a network of a countless number of interconnected neurons, but it is poorly understood how real nervous system performs computation and properly processes information given to it. In this study, we make use of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, in which the wiring diagram of the whole nervous system consisting of a relatively small number of neurons is already known. We will continuously observe the activity of many neurons arranged three-dimensionally by a specialized confocal microscope and perform computer simulation based on these data to understand the information processing principles of the neural circuit that carries out the signaling from the sensory system to the behavioral control system.

Takeshi Ishihara Professor, Kyusyu Univ.
Yuishi Iwasaki Lecturer, Ibaraki Univ.
Ryo Yoshida Professor, Inst Statistical Mathematics

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