[Cell Dynamics] Year Started : 2020

Genji Kurisu

Molecular basis for dynamic communication between the photosynthetic organelles, chloroplast and pyrenoid

Grant No.:JPMJCR20E1
Research Director
Genji Kurisu

Institue for Protein Research
Osaka University

Yusuke Matsuda Professor
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Kwansei Gakuin University

In plants or algae, the thylakoid lumen of chloroplast is acidified under fluctuating strong light condition. In this project, we will determine the dynamic structural basis for the acidification (ΔpH formation) of the chloroplast thylakoid membrane lumen by NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations and elucidate the structure-function relationship of the novel anion transporter in the thylakoid membrane that accelerates carbon fixation in pyrenoid by X-ray crystallography. Dynamic molecular basis of how the information on thylakoid membrane acidification is transmitted between the two photosynthetic organelles, chloroplasts and pyrenoid, will be revealed by integrated X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy.

Osamu Nureki

Atomic resolution dynamics of supramolecular complexes essential for cellular functions

Grant No.:JPMJCR20E2
Research Director
Osamu Nureki

Garaduate school of Science
The University of Tokyo

Yasushi Okada Professor
Garaduate school of Medicine
The University of Tokyo
Kayo Nozawa Associate Professor
School of Life Science and Technology
Institute of Science Tokyo
Satoru Fujiyoshi Assitant Professor
School of Science
Institute of Science Tokyo

We will elucidate in-cell real-time dynamic molecular mechanisms of how Prestin causes cell motility for acoustic amplification and of how SID membrane protein translocates RNA to cause RNautophagy by technical integrations of a single molecular analysis and an electron tomography of Cryo-EM (Nureki G.), of a sngle cell analysis and super-resolving microscopy (Okada G.) and of Cryo-fluorescent microscopy (Okada G.).

Nobuo Noda

Autophagy dynamics driven by multi-level higher-order structural components

Grant No.:JPMJCR20E3
Research Director
Nobuo Noda

Professor, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University
/Specially Appointed Researcher, Institute of Microbial Chemistry, Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation

Kuninori Suzuki Associate professor
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
The University of Tokyo

Autophagy is a basic life phenomenon that promotes recycling of intracellular components through degradation and is essential for us to lead healthy lives. During autophagy, complicated reorganization of lipid membranes occurs in cells, which is mediated by higher-order structural components that include supramolecular complexes, organelles, and membrane-less organelles. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these events remain to be elucidated. In this project, we try to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of autophagy by reconstituting autophagic processes in vitro using requisite minimum components and analyzing the simplified processes.

Yasunori Hayashi

Spatiotemporal dynamics of synaptic nanostructure underlying memory

Grant No.:JPMJCR20E4
Research Director
Yasunori Hayashi

Graduage School of Medicine
Kyoto University

Hidetoshi Urakubo Associate Professor
School of Medicine
Fujita Health University
Kohei Otomo Associate Professor (concurrent post)
Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems
National Institute of Natural Sciences
Takeharu Nagai Professor
SANKEN (The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research)
Osaka University
Tomoki Matsuda Professor
School of Science
Kitasato University
Kohei Otomo Associate Professor
Graduate School of Medicine
Juntendo University

We found that Ca2+/calmodulin protein kinase II (CaMKII) undergoes liquid liquid phase separation (LLPS) with its substrate proteins in a manner requiring Ca2+. We hypothesized that this process reorganizes PSD, thereby underlying synaptic plasticity. We will investigate this property with purified proteins and, in parallel, test the hypothesis through a combination of super resolution microscopy, development of tools for optical control of LLPS, and mathematical modeling.

Tetsuya Higashiyama

Whole-Cell Dynamics of Membrane Traffic Driving Chemotropism

Grant No.:JPMJCR20E5
Research Director
Tetsuya Higashiyama

Graduate School of Science
University of Tokyo

Kazuho Ikeda Lecturer
Graduate School of Medicine
University of Tokyo
Tomohiro Uemura Professor
Faculty of Core Research
Ochanomizu University
Kazuo Ebine Assistant Professor
Division of Cellular Dynamics
National Institute for Basic Biology
Yoko Mizuta Assistant professor
Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules
Nagoya University

We aim to develop microscopes that enable whole-cell, super-resolution imaging of membrane traffic dynamics at the resolution of a single vesicle. By using the pollen tube of flowering plants as a model, we will reveal the mechanism of membrane traffic for precise chemotropism, through two cutting-edge approaches: identification of cargo and traffic machineries on each vesicle, and visualization of 3D dynamics of the membrane traffic in pollen tube attraction.

Tetsuro Hirose

Principles to build functional membraneless organelles with RNA

Grant No.:JPMJCR20E6
Research Director
Tetsuro Hirose

Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences
Osaka University

Shungo Adachi Chief
Research Institute
National Cancer Center Japan Research Institute
Chikara Dohno Associate Professor
Osaka University

In eukaryotic cells, specific membraneless organelles utilize RNA as their structural skeleton. In this study, we attempt to identify the structural requirement for the proper functions of the membraneless organelles, which eventually lead to understand the significance of RNA in the architecture of the memberaneless organelles. To accomplish the goal, we employ super-resolution imaging to observe the fine structure and physical properties, proteomics of the components, and theoretical approach with soft matter physics, all of which would promote to understand the relationship between the structure and the function of the membraneless organelles with RNA. We also attempt to develop the new technology to artificially manipulate the membraneless organelles with small compounds that directly interact with RNA.

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