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- [Innovative optics and photonic] Year Started : 2019
Graduate School of Science
Tohoku University
Kenya Oogushi | Professor Graduate School of Sciene Tohoku University |
Hideo Kishida | Professor Graduate School of Engineering Nagoya University |
Jobu Matsuno | Professor Graduate School of Science Osaka University |
Kenji Yonemisyu | Professor Faculty of Science and Engineering Chuo University |
We attempt to develop methods of concurrent control of light and materials by combining cutting-edge light-technologies (sub-cycle near infrared pulses and their control through carrier-envelope phases) and advanced material science for quantum many-body materials. Non-perturbative and non-dissipative light-matter interactions enable us to control spatial inversion and time reversal symmetries in superconductors, quantum spin liquids and topological materials, leading to the creation of new optical functions, i.e. wavelength conversion (high-harmonic generation), light amplification (stimulated emission), and optical switching (magneto-optical effect) which are not restricted by conventional selection rules.
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Hokkaido University
Tetsuya Taketsugu | Professor Faculty of Science Hokkaido University |
Keiichi Nakagawa | Associate Professor School of Engineering The University of Tokyo |
Akinari Yokoya | Senior Expert Institute for Quantum Life Science National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology |
X-rays, Cherenkov light, and sound are used as energy sources to achieve compound activation in the deep part of the human body. As chemical bond breaking reaction by X-ray, radicals generated by X-ray and inner shell excitation will be studied. Positron-labelled compounds will be used as Cherenkov light source. Excite the compounds by CRET (Cerenkov radiation energy transfer), and activate them. Furthermore, we propose novel drugs and acoustic-optical technique, that overcome the limitation in compound activation due to the low light transmittance efficiency in visible and near-infrared regime toward deep tissue sites.
Graduate School of Engineering
Chiba University
Satoyuki Kawano | Professor Graduate School of Engineering Science Osaka University |
Keisaku Yamane | Associate professor Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University |
Kenichi Yuyama | Lecturer Graduate School of Science Osaka Metropolitan University |
An optical vortex field twist high viscosity material to form a micron-scale spinning jet, so called ‘Spin-Jet’. Going beyond both the conventional laser induced forward mass transfer, this unique phenomenon, manifesting the helical trajectory of the optical vortex, offers the formation and ejection of a micron-scale jet of the material even with an ultrahigh viscosity of 4 Pa・s (approximately1000 times higher than that for water). This optical vortex laser induced forward mass transfer will enable the development of next generation printed photonic/electric/spintronic circuits with ultrahigh spatial resolution.
Team Leader
Center for Advanced Photonics
Ultrasensitive spectroscopic molecular sensing devices using metamaterial absorber will be developed. Using the resonant interaction between metamaterial absorber, which consists of sub-wavelength resonant structures, and analyte molecules, strong background in the IR spectroscopy will be efficiently suppressed and signal-to-background ratio will be dramatically improved, and then the device for ultrasensitive detection and identification of organic molecule will be realized. Technologically, fabrication technologies for three-dimensional metamaterials that consist of densely integrated vertical metal-insulator-metal resonant structures and high-speed IR spectroscopic system using wavelength tunable quantum cascade laser will be developed.
Faculty of Engineering
Yokohama National University
Kazutoshi Iijima | Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Yokohama National University |
Kazuhide Ueno | Professor Faculty of Engineering Yokohama National University |
This project aims to develop an innovative droplet-based printing technology. In this method, on-demand production of multi-material 3D microstructures will be realized by remotely controlling ink droplets of raw materials. This method will be applied to a wide range of fields such as photonics, electronics and regenerative medicine. For example, we will create micro optical elements and metamaterials using this multi-material printing technology. Further applications include the printing of electronics devices fabricated using nanomaterials, and artificial bone marrow made with bone-like hydroxyapatite particles.