[Artificial Intelligence] Year Started : 2021

Michiaki Hamada

AI aptamer drug discovery project

Grant No.:JPMJCR21F1
Research Director
Michiaki Hamada

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Waseda University

Tatsuo Adachi General Manager
Discovery Research Department
Ribomic Inc
Kaku Goto Project Senior Assistant Professor
Institute of Medical Science
The University of Tokyo

In order to dramatically shorten the drug discovery period for RNA aptamers, which are attracting attention as next-generation new drugs that can replace low-molecular-weight compounds, we will establish “AI aptamer drug discovery” by integrating aptamer drug discovery experiments with RNA informatics and artificial intelligence technologies.

Takahiro Hara

Persona Model Transfer Techniques for Activity Prediction of Users in Heterogeneous Domains

Grant No.:JPMJCR21F2
Research Director
Takahiro Hara

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Osaka University

Chihiro Ono Director
Human-Centered AI Laboratories
KDDI Research, Inc.
Nobuo Kawaguchi Professor
Institute of Innovation for Future Society
Nagoya University

This project aims to make a good use of persona models constructed in different domains (e.g., service providers and data owners), and develop techniques for transferring user activity prediction models between domains. The effectiveness of the persona models and techniques developed in this project will be verified through large scale field experiments (with a few million users). We will also plan to modify and extend our models and techniques according to the experimental results and apply them to real services.

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