4th JST-NSF-DATAIA International Joint Symposium Cutting Edge of AI Research ~ To Realize Society 5.0 / Smart and Connected Communities ~

4th JST-NSF-DATAIA International Joint Symposium Cutting Edge of AI Research ~ To Realize Society 5.0 / Smart and Connected Communities ~


In Japan, "AI Strategy 2019" was announced in June by Council for Integrated Innovation Strategy. In the United States, the AI strategy is being examined based on the announcement of “American AI Initiative” as a presidential decree. Nowadays, AI research is attracting increasing attention toward the realization of Society 5.0 (Smart and Connected Communities) and the resolution of social issues.
This symposium will focus on research and development of next-generation AI technology, which contributes to realizing Society 5.0 and feature lectures on the achievements by top-level researchers from Japan, the United States, and France. Panel discussions will also be held on future visions, international cooperation and future issues, in order to realize Society 5.0. We look forward to your active participation.
*We will arrange simultaneous interpretation on the day.

Cutting Edge of AI Research
~ To Realize Society 5.0 / Smart and Connected Communities ~
19/12/2019 (Thu)12:30~17:20
Hosted by
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Co-hosted by
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
Access map:https://aicc.tokyo/en/access/
300 Attendees
Registration Fee


*Program and title of each lecture will be updated later.

Greeting from the host
12:30 Katsumi Emura( Laboratory Director, AIP Network Laboratory, JST)
Greeting from the guest
12:35 Atsushi Hashizume (Director, Information Science and Technology Division, Research Promotion Bureau, MEXT )
Keynote Speech
12:40 Masaru Kitsuregawa( Director General, National Institute of Informatics / Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo)
12:55 NSF's National AI Institutes Program
Kenneth Calvert(NSF CISE/CNS Division Director)
13:10 Dataia: the Paris-Saclay AI ecosystem
Gregory Blanc (DATAIA / Associate Professor at IMT/Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Session1:AI Infrastructure: Architecture and Platform
13:25 Toward vastly large deep learning
Koichi Shinoda( Professor, School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
13:40 Social Implementation of Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics
Goichiro Hanaoka( Team Leader, Cyber Physical Security Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Shiho Moriai( Executive Researcher, Cybersecurity Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
13:55 Vehicular Crowd Sensing: AI Architecture for Trustworthy Decision Making
Sajal Das (NSF/Professor and Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair, Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Session2:New Fundamentals for AI
14:10 AI x Robotics: Towards Human-like General Intelligence
Takayuki Nagai( Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)
14:25 Natural Language Generation: Describing Data with Words
Hiroya Takamura( Team Leader, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology/Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
14:40 Break
Session3:Application of AI
15:10 Tender care communication' and AI/Robotics
Atsushi Nakazawa( Associate Professor, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University)
15:25 Data-driven drug discovery and healthcare by AI
Yoshihiro Yamanishi( Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
15:40 AI application in plant phenotyping
Arti Singh (NSF/Adjunct Assistant Professor, Iowa State University)
15:55 Break
Panel Discussion:Future R&D Strategies towards Innovative AI Society
16:05 Moderator:Yuzuru Tanaka(Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University)
【NSF】David Corman(Program Director, NSF CISE/CNS), Calton Pu (Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology)
【DATAIA】Gregory Blanc
【JST】Katsumi Emura, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Hideyuki Tokuda( President, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Concluding Remarks
17:15 Yoshimasa Goto( Executive Director, JST)


Website for registration is linked to the button below.

Website for Registration


  • e-mail: jstnsf4_secretariat [at]pco-prime.com(Please replace [at] to@)
  • Japan Science and Technology Agency
    Department of Strategic Science Research, ICT Group
    7, Gobancho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo,102-0076