[Hardware for Resilience]Hardware in Future for Resilience of Real Space

Strategic Objective

Technology infrastructure for the post-COVID society built by Convergence of Knowledge

Information carriers and innovative devices

Fundamental technologies for next-generation IoT (Internet of Things) to create a future smart society

Creation of innovative core technologies by merging material technology, device technology, and nano-system optimization technology toward the realization of information devices with ultra-low power consumption and multiple functions

Advanced interaction technologies within networked intelligent information environment

Elucidation of basic principles for innovative energy conversion, and synthesis of new materials, development of new energy harvesting devices, and other core technologies, that will contribute to the high-efficiency conversion of ambient microenergy into electricity and their new advanced applications

Research Supervisor


Shuji Tanaka(Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)


 Society 5.0, proposed in the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan, is a concept that aims to create a sustainable and resilient human-centered society via a fusion of cyberspace and real space. It relies on science, technology, and its innovative power to overcome the difficult situations and imminent social problems that we face. A necessitous problem coming up recently is the spread of COVID-19, and it has become necessary to strengthen our abilities to deal with social disturbance caused by infectious diseases and disasters. At the same time, it is urgent for us to realize carbon neutrality. Those situations have request us to upgrade this concept to a resilient Society 5.x.
 As is stated above, Society 5.0 is to be realized through a fusion of the cyberspace and the real space. In recent years, the focus has been on digital technology and AI technology, and research, development, and the education of researchers and engineers connected to the cyberspace have been enhanced. However, it goes without saying that in order to meet long-term social goals, we need to strengthen research and education related to the real space in the same way. Thus, this research area supports young researchers with advanced and challenging ideas related to real technologies—more specifically, things such as hardware, devices, and modules—that will make up the resilient society in the future.
 When promoting research, we aim to train researchers who can drive cutting-edge research for the future, and to create wide-ranging human networks that will lead to future collaboration. So, we emphasize the perspective of researcher education and create chances where young researchers from different fields can interact and inspire each other.

Research Area Advisors

Kazuaki Sawada Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
Takunori Taira Group Director, Spring-8 Center, RIKEN
Masateru Taniguchi Professor, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Masayuki Nakao Ditector, Division of Univerisity Corporate Relations, The University of Tokyo
Yoshiharu Hamada Professor, Department of Product Design, Tama Art University
Akiko Hirao Senior Consultant, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corporation
Kouta Minamizawa Professor, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University
Masaya Yamashita Representative Partner, e-Compass Limited Liability Company
Yoko Yamanishi Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyusyu University
Hiromi Yuasa Professor, Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Riichiro Tadakuma Professor, Academic Research Institute, Yamagata University

Research Area Management Advisors

Atsuo Takanishi Professor, Department of Modern Mechanical Engineering, Waseda University

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2021
  2. Year Started : 2022
  3. Year Started : 2023

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