[Environments and Biotechnology]Environments and Biotechnology

Strategic Objective

Establishment of environmentally-adaptive-plant design systems for stable food supply in the age of climate change

Establishing Technologies for Genome scale DNA Synthesis and Functional Expression, and Creating Technology Seeds for Material Production and Medical Care

Design of plant derived molecules building up the foundation for plant synthetic biology

Research Supervisor


Nobuhiko Nomura (Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, and Director, Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability, University of Tsukuba)


 Efforts to overcome global environmental problems and social issues are necessary, and biotechnology is one of the major basis for their solutions. However, in order to solve these difficult problems, huge advances in basic and applied biotechnology based on original ideas, creation of innovations through interdisciplinary research, as well as support for young scientists that will become future leaders of the next generations, are indispensable.
 The aims in this research area are to promote pioneering basic research, and to develop new technologies that will lead to create new fields and new value in biotechnology, and also to nurture young and motivated scientists capable of contributing to the solution of environmental problems in the future. We support pioneering research projects that are based on novel concepts in a wide range of fields, such as microbial or host-microbial interaction/symbiosis, ecological monitoring and engineering, bioremediation, sustainable biomaterial development, and metabolic engineering. We are also seeking a wide range of challenging research proposals that will lead to characterizations, findings and utilizations of new biofunctions.
 In promoting research, we encourage young scientists to communicate with fellow researchers, and would further support them to promote scientific networking for developing cross-sectorial research after having gathered with biotechnology as a common language. Another aim is to train human resources who can lead advanced research which would contribute to environmental problems, by providing support so that young scientists will develop wider and larger research frames towards the future, while exploring their respective research projects in the spirit of friendly competition.

Research Area Advisors

Minako Ueda Professor, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
Yasuo Ohnishi Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Universiy of Tokyo
Wataru Ogasawara Professor, Department of Science of Technology Innovation, Nagaoka University of Technology
Akihiro Okamoto Group Leader, Research Center for Macromolecules and Biomaterials, National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS)
Jun Ogawa Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Akio Kuroda Professor, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University
Akihiko Kosugi Director & Project Leader, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
Hiroshi Shimizu Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Ken Shirasu Deputy Director & Group Director, Center for Sustainable Resource Science, RIKEN
Hideyuki Tamaki Deputy Director & Group Leader, Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Hideaki Nojiri Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Tomohisa Hasunuma Professor, Director, Engineering Biology Research Center, Kobe University
Tomoko Matsui Head of R&T, Research and Technology, Novozymes Japan
Yoko Yashiroda Deputy Team Leader, Center for Sustainable Resource Science, RIKEN
Tomoko Yoshino Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2020
  2. Year Started : 2021
  3. Year Started : 2022

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