[AI powered Research Innovation / Creation]AI powered Research Innovation / Creation

Strategic Objective

Development of core technology platforms for understanding spatiotemporal multicellular interaction

Fundamental technologies for next generation IoT (Internet of Things) to create a future smart society

Construction of revolutional material development methods through fusion among experiments and theory/data science

Creation of integration technology to enable utilizations of diverse and massive data using Artificial Intelligence core technologies rapidly growing in sophistication and complexiyt

Establishment of environmentally-adaptive-plant design systems for stable food supply in the age of climate change Trusted AI

Research Supervisor


Yasuo Kuniyoshi (Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)


 As a result of the rapid development and popularization of information science and technology, including AI (artificial intelligence), construction of novel techniques in various research fields, dramatic improvement of performance and expansion of the object range have all progressed, and we are also continuing to see the possibilities of innovative project setting and frameworks, and the creation of new academic fields.
 In order to take advantage of all these opportunities for academic innovation and creation, and to guide progress in a way that will lead to the creation of future innovations, it is essential to utilize AI/information science and technology, and to predict, describe and pioneer the world that will be newly opened by transdisciplinary approaches involving AI/information science and technology, based on ideas that display extraordinary excellence in respective academic fields and embody flexible concepts by progressive thinking.
 In this Research Area, we are seeking challenging research concepts by young researchers which aim at substantially strengthening and developing all academic fields, including both science/engineering fields and the humanities/social sciences, by introducing leading-edge AI/information science and technology in those fields, innovation in academic fields and creation of new academic fields by fusion with AI/information science and technology, and the creation of new value.
 In promoting research, our aims are to develop research-related human resources capable of promoting advanced research that contributes to the future and to build a human network of researchers that will lead to future collaboration by providing platforms for exchanges and mutual inspiration of young researchers in different fields, placing priority on human resource development.
 This research area is managed in the course of AIP Network Lab, which constructs the AI, big data, IoT, and the AIP Project.

Research Area Advisors

Arisa Ema Associate Professor, Institutes for Advanced Study, The University of Tokyo
Shigeru Obayashi Professor, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
Tetsuya Ogata Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Takashi Kamihigashi Director/Professor, Center for Computational Social Science, Kobe University
Eiryo Kawakami Team Leader, Advanced Data Science Project, RIKEN
Ryuta Terashima Research Administrator, Administration Div., Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.
Kumiyo Nakakoji Professor, School of System Information Science, Future University Hakodate
Atsushi Nagano Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Ryukoku University
Eiji Hato Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Yukino Baba Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Tomoyuki Higuchi Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, CHUO UNIVERSITY
Shinji Fukuda Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Hitoshi Matsubara Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto Tachibana University

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2020
  2. Year Started : 2021
  3. Year Started : 2022

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