Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP) EIG CONCERT-Japan 9th Joint Call: Design of Materials with Atomic Precision

(May 9, 2022)

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is accepting proposals for collaborative research projects under the framework of EIG CONCERT-Japan with 8 funding partners participating from 7 European countries under the theme of Design of Materials with Atomic Precision.

EIG CONCERT-Japan website:

Call Theme

Design of Materials with Atomic Precision

Research Scope

This call for proposals invites Japan and Europe-based researchers to collaboratively explore the field of materials science with an emphasis on materials design at the atomic level. Researchers are encouraged to submit proposals dealing with the simulation and design of materials with atomic precision based on data science / computational science, the synthesis, development, fabrication and advanced characterization of these compounds, or the integration in relevant device applications such as catalysts, highly efficient solar cells, among other topics.

Participating Countries and Organizations

Japan: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF)
Czech Republic: Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Czech Republic: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)
Hungary: National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)
Poland: National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
Slovakia: Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS)
Spain: State Research Agency (AEI)
Turkey: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

Details of Support

Projects selected for funding in this call will each receive support for a period of three years and totaling no more than approximately 18,200,000 JPY of which 30% represents indirect costs. Awarded projects will be required to have a contract concluded between the awarded research institution and JST, in the following format:

It is expected that six projects will be funded in this EIG CONCERT-Japan Joint Call.
Full details of support can be found in the Japanese guidance information documents below and "Part 2: National and Regional Funding Regulations" in the Call Text.

Call for Proposals Period and Deadlines

Monday 9th May 2022 until Monday 18th July 2022, 17:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Monday 9th May 2022 until Monday 18th July 2022, 10:00 (Central European Summer Time)

Program Officer

Dr. ENDO Akira
(Deputy General Manager・PM, Research Strategy Planning Department, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)


Researcher Eligibility

Any independent researcher currently affiliated with and actively conducting research at a domestic Japanese research institution, or who will fulfil this requirement by the commencement of the research project if not currently affiliated with a research institution in Japan), regardless of nationality, is eligible to apply.

Research Consortium Eligibility

In addition to the Japanese team, the project consortium must include members from a minimum of two different European countries listed as participating in the call.
Researchers from countries not participating may also be included in the research consortium, however they will not count towards the minimum country participation requirement stated above.
For further details please see "Part 2: National and Regional Funding Regulations" in the Call Text.

Application Procedure

1. PT-Outline Consortium Proposal Submission (for the entire consortium)

All call documents, application forms and guidance can be downloaded from the PT-Outline website, which also serves as the online submission portal:

Proposals should be jointly drafted by the consortium and jointly submitted electronically via the PT-Outline portal. Only the project consortium's Principle Project Leader is required to submit the proposal.

Information about the PT-Outline submission process:

2. e-Rad Proposal Application (for the Japanese team of the consortium only)

In addition to the PT-Outline submission, the Project Leader from the Japanese team will have to register their application information, "application form" (with legal compliance checklist and compliance agreement) and "Application summary" on the Cross Ministerial R&D Management System (e-Rad) platform:

An e-Rad guide for applicants (in Japanese) is available on "Application instructions and guidance" (available only in Japanese) below.
For further application instructions and guidance, please refer to the following information.

Application Form (Japanese side)

Call Text PDF
Application instructions and guidance (Japanese) PDF
Application Form (Japanese) Word
Application Summary (Japanese) pptx


Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
Dr. KATAYAMA Junko, Mr. MIKAMI Junsuke, Mr. Oscar A. Rudenstam, Ms. HASHIMOTO Shiho
E-mail: concert(at)
Tel: 03-5214-7375 Fax: 03-5214-7379
(Contact by e-mail is recommended.)