Integrated Research on Great Earthquakes and Disaster Mitigation in Nepal Himalaya
Ram Prasad Ghimire
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
The University of Tokyo / Kochi University / OYO Corporation
Department of Mines and Geology, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies
FY 2015
5 Years
Tackle scientifically Nepal's future great earthquake and its hazards
Focusing on a future great earthquake expected in Nepal Himalayas, and the highly populated and vulnerable Kathmandu Valley, we aim to provide scientifically advanced seismic hazard information and build fundamentals to mitigate earthquake disaster based on this information, by conducting researches on earthquake potential evaluation, ground motion prediction, seismic hazard assessment, earthquake observation system, and education and policies. For this aim, we also utilize data and research findings from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake.
Build fundamentals for earthquake disaster mitigation based on advanced hazard information
By integrating the research outcomes such as the source model of a future great earthquake, predicted ground motions from the future earthquake, and observations by the enhanced seismic network, we aim to obtain scientifically advanced earthquake hazard information. In addition, developing personnel and policies for communicating this information to the Nepali society will lead to fundamentals for the mitigation of future earthquake disaster in the Kathmandu Valley.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Department of International Affairs
TEL : +81-3-5214-8085
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Compound Disaster Risk Reduction associated with Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Hydro-microbiological Approach for Water Security in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Environment / Energy
(Global-scale environmental issues)
Utilization Technology of Rubber Seeds for Green Products to Mitigate Global Warming and Plastic Pollution
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Establishment of a Research and Education Complex for Developing Disaster-resilient Societies - MARTEST