- Publications
- 041
- [REVIEW] Sosuke Ito, "拡散モデルやその周辺と非平衡熱力学との接点",
数理科学 2024年10月号, サイエンス社.
- 040
- Takumi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Aoyanagi, Simone Pigolotti and Shoichi Toyabe, "Blocking uncertain mispriming errors of PCR",
Biophysical Journal, 123 (2024) 3558.
- 039
- Daiki Sekizawa, Sosuke Ito and Masafumi Oizumi, "Decomposing Thermodynamic Dissipation of Linear Langevin Systems via Oscillatory Modes and Its Application to Neural Dynamics",
Physical Review X, 14 (2024) 041003-1.
- 038
- Yuta Sekino, Yuya Ominato, Hiroyuki Tajima, Shun Uchino and Mamoru Matsuo, "Thermomagnetic Anomalies by Magnonic Criticality in Ultracold Atomic Transport",
Physical Review Letters, 133 (2024) 163402.
- 037
- Kohei Yajima, Hisanori Oshima, Ken Mochizuki and Yohei Fuji, "Multifractality in monitored single-particle dynamics",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 043049.
- 036
- Rihito Nagase and Takahiro Sagawa, "Thermodynamically optimal information gain in finite-time measurement",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 033239-1.
- 035
- Tatsuro Kai, Takahiro Abe, Natsuhiko Yoshinaga, Shuichi Nakamura, Seishi Kudo and Shoichi Toyabe, "Collective gradient sensing by dilute swimming bacteria without clustering",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) L032061.
- 034
- Hiroki Hamaguchi, Kou Hamada and Nobuyuki Yoshioka, "Handbook for Quantifying Robustness of Magic",
Quantum, 8 (2024) 1461.
- 033
- Paul Menczel, Ken Funo, Mauro Cirio, Neill Lambert and Franco Nori, "Non-Hermitian pseudomodes for strongly coupled open quantum systems: Unravelings, correlations, and thermodynamics",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 033237.
- 032
- Ryoi Ohashi, Shingo Kobayashi, Shotaro Kanazawa, Yukio Tanaka and Yuki Kawaguchi, "Surface density of states and tunneling spectroscopy of a spin-3/2 superconductor with Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces",
Physical Review B, 110 (2024) 104515-1.
- 031
- Hideaki Hakoshima, Suguru Endo, Kaoru Yamamoto, Yuichiro Matsuzaki and Nobuyuki Yoshioka, "Localized Virtual Purification",
Physical Review Letters, 133 (2024) 080601.
- 030
- [REVIEW] Ryusuke Hamazaki, "開放量子多体系の非平衡統計力学",
物性若手夏の学校テキスト 2, J-Stage.
- 029
- [BOOK] Yusuke Nomura and Nobuyuki Yoshioka, "量子多体物理と人工ニューラルネットワーク",
SGCライブラリ 191, サイエンス社.
- 028
- Nobuyuki Yoshioka, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Yasunari Suzuki, Yuki Koizumi and Wataru Mizukami, "Hunting for quantum-classical crossover in condensed matter problems",
npj Quantum Information, 10 (2024) 45.
- 027
- Ken Funo and Akihito Ishizaki, "Dynamics of a Quantum System Interacting with White Non-Gaussian Baths: Poisson Noise Master Equation",
Physical Review Letters, 132 (2024) 170402.
- 026
- Hiroyuki Tajima, Yuta Sekino, Daisuke Inotani, Akira Dohi, Shigehiro Nagataki and Tomoya Hayata, "Non-Hermitian 𝑝-wave superfluid and effects of the inelastic three-body loss in a one-dimensional spin-polarized Fermi gas",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 023060.
- 025
- Somnath Maity and Ryusuke Hamazaki, "Kinetically constrained models constructed from dissipative quantum dynamics",
Physical Review B, 110 (2024) 014301-1.
- 024
- Kohei Yoshimura and Sosuke Ito, "Two applications of stochastic thermodynamics to hydrodynamics",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) L022057-1.
- 023
- Kazuki Sone, Motohiko Ezawa, Yuto Ashida, Nobuyuki Yoshioka and Takahiro Sagawa, "Nonlinearity-induced topological phase transition characterized by the nonlinear Chern number",
Nature Physics, 20 (2024) 1164.
- 022
- Kenta I Ito, Yusuke Sato and Shoichi Toyabe, "Design of artificial molecular motor inheriting directionality and scalability",
Biophysical Journal, 123 (2024) 858.
- 021
- [REVIEW] Mario Motta, William Kirby, Ieva Liepuoniute, Kevin J Sung, Jeffrey Cohn, Antonio Mezzacapo, Katherine Klymko, Nam Nguyen, Nobuyuki Yoshioka and Julia E Rice, "Subspace methods for electronic structure simulations on quantum computers",
Electronic Structure, 6 (2024) 013001.
- 020
- Shunsuke Daimon, Kakeru Tsunekawa, Ryoto Takeuchi, Takahiro Sagawa, Naoki Yamamoto and Eiji Saito, "Quantum circuit distillation and compression",
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 63 (2024) 032003.
- 019
- Federico Roccati, Miguel Bello, Zongping Gong, Masahito Ueda, Francesco Ciccarello, Aurélia Chenu and Angelo Carollo, "Hermitian and non-Hermitian topology from photon-mediated interactions",
Nature Communications, 15 (2024) 2400.
- 018
- Tomotaka Kuwahara, Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito, "Effective light cone and digital quantum simulation of interacting bosons",
Nature Communications, 15 (2024) 2520.
- 017
- Naruo Ohga and Sosuke Ito, "Inferring nonequilibrium thermodynamics from tilted equilibrium using information-geometric Legendre transform",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 013315.
- 016
- Yuma Nakamura, Yoshichika Yano and Nobuyuki Yoshioka, "Adaptive measurement strategy for quantum subspace methods",
New Journal of Physics, 26 (2024) 033028.
- 015
- Nalinikanta Pradhan, Pardeep Kumar, Rina Kanamoto, Tarak Nath Dey, M. Bhattacharya and Pankaj Kumar Mishra, "Ring Bose-Einstein condensate in a cavity: Chirality detection and rotation sensing",
Physical Review A, 109 (2024) 023524.
- 014
- Jimin Li and Zongping Gong, "Alternating quantum-emitter chains: Exceptional-point phase transition, edge state, and quantum walks",
Physical Review A, 109 (2024) 023718.
- 013
- Ken Mochizuki and Ryusuke Hamazaki, "Absorption to fluctuating bunching states in nonunitary boson dynamics",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 013004.
- 012
- Ryusuke Hamazaki, "Quantum velocity limits for multiple observables: Conservation laws, correlations, and macroscopic systems",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 013018.
- 011
- Yuma Fujimoto and Sosuke Ito, "Game-theoretical approach to minimum entropy productions in information thermodynamics",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 013023.
- 010
- Taro Sawada, Kazuki Sone, Ryusuke Hamazaki, Yuto Ashida and Takahiro Sagawa, "Role of Topology in Relaxation of One-Dimensional Stochastic Processes",
Physical Review Letters, 132 (2024) 046602.
- 009
- Artemy Kolchinsky, Naruo Ohga and Sosuke Ito, "Thermodynamic bound on spectral perturbations, with applications to oscillations and relaxation dynamics",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 013082.
- 008
- Nalinikanta Pradhan, Pardeep Kumar, Rina Kanamoto, Tarak Nath Dey, M. Bhattacharya and Pankaj Kumar Mishra, "Cavity optomechanical detection of persistent currents and solitons in a bosonic ring condensate",
Physical Review Research, 6 (2024) 013104.
- 007
- Mitsuyoshi Kamba, Ryoga Shimizu and Kiyotaka Aikawa, "Nanoscale feedback control of six degrees of freedom of a near-sphere",
Nature Communications, 14 (2023) 7943.
- 006
- Taiki Haga, Masaya Nakagawa, Ryusuke Hamazaki and Masahito Ueda, "Quasiparticles of decoherence processes in open quantum many-body systems: Incoherentons",
Physical Review Research, 5 (2023) 043225.
- 005
- Kento Tsubouchi, Takahiro Sagawa and Nobuyuki Yoshioka, "Universal Cost Bound of Quantum Error Mitigation Based on Quantum Estimation Theory" ,
Physical Review Letters, 131 (2023) 210601.
- 004
- Yosuke Mitsuhashi and Nobuyuki Yoshioka, "Clifford Group and Unitary Designs under Symmetry",
PRX Quantum, 4 (2024) 040331.
- 003
- Hideki Ozawa, Ryuta Yamamoto and Takeshi Fukuhara, "Observation of chiral-mode domains in a frustrated XY model on optical triangular lattices",
Physical Review Research, 5 (2023) L042026.
- 002
- Kento Tsubouchi, Yasunari Suzuki, Yuuki Tokunaga, Nobuyuki Yoshioka and Suguru Endo, "Virtual quantum error detection",
Physical Review A, 108 (2023) 042426.
- 001
- Mitsuyoshi Kamba and Kiyotaka Aikawa, "Revealing the velocity uncertainties of a levitated particle in the quantum ground state",
Physical Review Letters, 131 (2023) 183602.