We collect a wide range of information on science and technology innovation policies, R&D trends, and related economic and social conditions in the Asia and Pacific regions and conduct focused surveys and analyses that respond to today's issues and needs. These results are published as original reports and made publicly available on our portal sites. We also hold workshops and debriefing sessions on our research.

Publication ( Japanese language)

Publication ( Japanese language)


JST/APRC provides access to databases on scientific and technical information in the Asia and Pacific region.



In order to promote mutual understanding between Japan and the Asia and Pacific regions, we operate various portal sites to share information on science, technology and innovation policies, research and development trends, and economic and social conditions.

Science Japan

A portal site that shares information on Japanese science and technology developments, and other relevant information, in English to readers around the world, focused on the Asia and Pacific regions

Science JapanScience Japan

Keguan Japan

A portal site that provides information on science and technology developments in Japan, and other relevant information, in Chinese.

Keguan JapanKeguan Japan

Science Portal Asia Pacific

A portal site that provides readers with information on science and technology developments, and other relevant information in the Asia and Pacific regions in Japanese.

Science Portal Asia PacificScience Portal Asia Pacific



We plan and implement symposium and exchange events to contribute to the promotion of science and technology cooperation between Japan and the Asia and Pacific regions.

Seminars on the Asia and Pacific Region

We invite leading experts and specialists on the Asia and Pacific regions to hold timely seminars on specific themes, ranging from trends and policies in science and technology to the state of the economy and society

Seminars on the Asia and Pacific Region

International Workshop

【December, 2023】 The 1st Japan-Korea Workshop on Artificial Intelligence

【February, 2023】 Japan-ASEAN Joint Online Workshop on
“The current situation and challenges concerning the development of research environments for advanced research equipment between Japan and ASEAN countries.”

【March, 2022】 Future Trends and Emerging Technologies in Synthetic Biology Connecting Australia and Japan through science and technology