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Basic Research Programs Establishment of basic technologies for controlling of cell functions based on metabolic regulation mechanism analysis

Toppage  >  Publications:Oda Team


  ◆To 1st, 2005  |  2nd, 2006  |  ◆To 3rd, 2007  |

Tetsuro Mimura (Professor, Kobe University)

Control of plant metabolic system by engineering of vacuolar membrane proteins

Fiscal Year 2007

Research Paper List
  • Ohnishi M., Mimura T., Tsujimura T., Mitsuhashi M., Washitani-Nemoto S., Maeshima M., Martinoia E. (2007) Inorganic phosphate uptake in intact vacuoles isolated from suspension cultured cells of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don under varying Pi status. Planta 225(3):711-718
  • Luo J., Nishiyama Y., Fuell C., Taguchi G., Elliott K., Hill L., Tanaka Y., Kitayama M., Yamazaki M., Bailey P., Parr A., Michael AJ., Saito K., Martin C. (2007) Convergent evolution in the BAHD family of acyl transferases; identification and haracterization of anthocyanin acyl transferases from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J., 50 (4): 678 695
  • Sirikantaramas S., Sudo H., Asano T., Yamazaki M., Saito K. (2007) Transport of camptothecin in hairy roots of Ophiorrhiza pumila. Phytochemistry, 68: 2881-2886
  • Sirikantaramas S., Sudo H., Yamazaki M., Saito K. (2007) Mutations in topoisomerase I as self-resistance mechanism coevolved with production of anticancer alkaloid camptothecin. PNAS, in press (2008)
  • Mimura T., Ohnishi M., Shimaoka T., Tomizawa K. (2008) Proteome analysis of vacuolar membrane. In "Plant Genetic Engineering vol 9: Plant membrane and vacuolar transporters", Ed. by Jaiwal PK. in press

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