Evolutionary Programing

Last Update:Aug 1, 2013

Evolutionary Programing Group

Artificially cause each function of the artificial cell model to evolve. By using the technique of evolution, produce highly active enzymes and RNA that have not previously existed in the natural world. In addition, introduce new functions to the current artificial cell model (environmental reaction and light-driven functions, etc.) with the aim of future application.

  • Create highly active enzymes by means of directed evolution of RNA replicase. Together with introducing to an artificial cell model, tie it in with development of a method for directly amplifying RNA from RNA.
  • Cause template RNA to evolve, and create RNA with greater ability to duplicate. Cultivate the relationship between RNA's spatial structure and activity, making it possible to design RNA.
  • By endowing the artificial cell model with environmental reaction, produce artificial cells that can freely be controlled. Artificially cause evolution and create a control mechanism that has a higher level of functionality.
  • Produce artificial cells that move with light by introducing light reaction proteins. Artificially cause evolution to produce enzymes that are more highly active, and tie this in to the solution of future energy problems.