We are happy to launchthis call for co-hostsof the networking reception for contributors inScience Agora 2016(3-6, November @Odaiba area, Tokyo).
We would like to develop Science Agora as an arena for people on the move to get together and exchange ideas, sympathies, and become partners for the development of each of their activities.
Thisnetworking reception for contributors isa great networking opportunity with Guest VIPs, Contributors of Science Agora 2016, many staffs of JP research institutes & funding agencies, S&T policy makers and many science communicators from wide range of sectors.
Foods and drinks are a common language for all participants! The hosts aim to share fun of a gathering andinteracting with local and global flavours of foods and drinks at thisnetworking reception. Please promote your local foods and drinks at Science Agora 2016Networking Reception. Thank you.
Date: November 5th (Sat) 2016
Time: 18:00 -20:00
Venue: Observatory, 21st Floor, Telecom Center(Plan)
Please use MS word file if you are a applicant who do not Japanese.docx[24KB]