アゴラ2015 開幕・閉幕・キーノートセッション 開催報告
Report on Agora Keynote Sessions 2015

「ひかり」を通してみる 宇宙・時・わたしたちの歩みと未来

Keynote Session 5
<International Year of Light Special Session> The Universe, Time, Our Evolution and Future through “Light”

■開催概要/Session Information


■レポート/Session Report

Evolution and Future through “Light”


2015 is the International Year of Light declared by the United Nations. In Agora Keynote Session 5, scholars who have been doing critical research on light and an artist using light were on stage, and they introduced the audience the world of light from various perspectives.

Milestone year, reviewing the history of research on light


Miyoko Watanabe, Deputy Executive Director of JST, gave the opening words at the beginning of the session. She mentioned the following: Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Japan began to realize that it is necessary to think about and create the future of science not solely by scientists but together with the general public. There will be a wide variety of presentations in this session, from scientific research to the role of light in the world of art and music.

国際光年特別セッション/ 開催挨拶


The first presenter Yasuhiko Arakawa is a professor at the University of Tokyo and the ICO president who proposed the concept of quantum dot and its application to semiconductor lasers 33 years ago, contributing to the commercialization of quantum dot lasers. In his presentation titled “The Era of Light ~Towards the International Year of Light~”, he talked about the International Year of Light and the history of research on the light.

国際光年特別セッション/ Part1

荒川泰彦 東京大学教授・ICO会長


The “International Year” is a period designated by the United Nations to advocate selected issues to groups and individuals worldwide to prioritize and come up with solutions, and 2015 was declared as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies. Prof. Arakawa explained that 2015 was declared the International Year of Light “because 2015 marks an important milestone when important research achievements on light were presented.”

まず、今からちょうど1000年前に、「近代光学の父」と呼ばれるイブン・アル=ハイサムが、幾何光学の三法則(直進、反射、屈折)など、現代の幾何光学の基本的な考え方に言及した『Kitab al-Manazir』(光学の書または視覚の書)を書きました。また、フレネルレンズの発明者でもあるオーギュスタン・ジャン・フレネルが光は横波であることを発見したのが200年前、アルベルト・アインシュタインの一般相対性理論が100年前、そしてビッグバンの兆候である宇宙マイクロ波背景放射が発見され、光ファイバーが作られたのが50年前ということです。

First, Ibn al-Haitham, the Father of Modern Optics, wrote the “Kitab al-Manazir” (Book of Optics or Books of Visions) 1000 years ago which mentioned most of the basic ideas on optics such as the three laws of geometrical optics (direction, reflection, and refraction). Then, Augustin-Jean Fresnel, who invented the Fresnel lens, discovered that light was a transverse wave 200 years ago, followed by Albert Einstein, who proposed the general theory of relativity 100 years ago. In addition, the cosmic microwave background radiation as a sign of the Big Bang was discovered, and optical fibers were invested 50 years ago.


Prof. Arakawa also talked about the history of Nobel Prizes related to light and how laser technology has evolved in the last 57 years.

Exploring the universe with higher-sensitivity telescope

光学・赤外線天文学が専門の国立天文台教授 臼田知史氏は、「宇宙からの光〜すばる望遠鏡と超大型望遠鏡TMT〜」と題して、「ひかり」で宇宙を探る技術について語りました。宇宙の研究においては、「技術革新があって、新しいものが見えるようになる、それが宇宙像を変える、そしてさらなる技術革新が必要になる、というサイクルが重要だ」との見方を示しました。

Tomonori Usuda, a professor at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan specializing in optics and infrared astronomy, spoke about exploring the universe with technology using “light” in his presentation “Light from the Universe ~ Subaru Telescope and the Extremely Large Telescope TMT”. He explained the importance of a cycle in which technological innovation leads to new discoveries and changes in how we see the universe, which then leads to the further need for technological innovation.

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In recent years, telescopes have increased in size. The Subaru Telescope made in 1999 utilizes a single 8.2-meter mirror, but the TMT anticipated to be completed in 2024 will be equipped with a 30-meter segmented mirror. It will consist of 492 mirror segments at 1.44-meters each and harness 13-times more light-gathering power and 4-times more resolving power than the Subaru Telescope.

すばる望遠鏡では、新たにHyper Suprime-Cam(HSC)という9億画素のデジタルカメラが完成しました。これは、アンドロメダ銀河の全体を写せる上に、その中の星を一つ一つ分解して観測することができます。また、波面補償光学(Adaptive Optics: AO)という、大気擾乱をリアルタイムに補正する技術も進んでおり、これによって、「地上望遠鏡でも宇宙望遠鏡を凌ぐ視力を達成することができるようになる」と言います。

A 900 million-pixel digital camera called the Hyper Supreme-Cam (HSC) developed for the Subaru Telescope can capture not only the entire Andromeda galaxy, but it further enables individual stars to be resolved and examined. Furthermore, advancement in the Adaptive Optics (AO) technology to perform the real-time correction of atmospheric disturbances is anticipated to “allow ground-based telescopes to harness vision that exceeds those of the space telescopes.”


With all of these technologies squeezed into the TMT, it aims to see the initial creation of galaxy and stars in the universe from 12.9 billion years ago, which could not be clearly observed with the Subaru Telescope. Also through high precision spectroscopic technology, he hopes to “find traces of life by searching for planets as much similar to Earth as possible by detecting oxygen, water, organic matter, etc. in the atmosphere of Extrasolar planets.”

Light that measures time with high precision


On the other hand, Professor Hidetoshi Katori of the University of Tokyo who invented the optical lattice clock spoke on the subject of “Measuring Space-Time with Light - Reading the 18th Place of Time in an Atomic Clock -.” Today, the International Atomic Time is realized by a cesium atomic clock. It becomes 1 second off in 30 million years, so it is a clock that is accurate to approximately 1 x 10^-15 or 15th place. In contrast, the optical lattice clocks gain or lose 1 second in twice the age of the universe which is 13.8 billion years, reading the 18th place. Prof. Katori explained that this clock may be used to redefine one second in the next 10 years.

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There are several reasons why we seek high-precision clocks. For example, it leads to the research of whether the physical constant is actually a constant. Currently, the interaction between dark matter and the atomic clock is not known, so there is a possibility that the time of an atomic clock changes when the Solar System passes through dark matter.


Also, Prof. Katori talked that “with a high-precision clock, the clock would become a quantum altimeter and may replace the benchmark in the future. A clock that reads time at the 18th decimal place would recognize that the time is passing by faster even if it were to be lifted up by a mere centimeter.


He explained “until now, the effects of general relativity were only recognized at the level of the universe. However, with the optical lattice clock, we have come to realize the deformation of the space time caused by gravity in our daily life.

Visual art using the characteristics of light


The presentation “Manipulating Light” by artist Ryotaro Muramatsu, who is also the president of NAKED Inc. handling mainly digital images, began with a video of art using light. A famous example was the projection mapping at Tokyo Station, and he explained that the key in such art is to utilize the mechanism of “how human eyes recognize light.” We recognize light and “see”, but we are not conscious of the light source. An optical illusion is created by focusing on that gap.


For example, the company is working on a new way of expression through picture using a technique that the NTT research institute called “Deformation Lamps”, to show the illusion that still images appear to be moving. Only the brightness is changed, and the color is not touched, but “the image can be seen as if it is moving because people are sensitive to brightness.”

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Moreover, the company handles art utilizing the characteristic of light like how it permeates and reflects. They are currently projecting the invention of a clear film that has the technology to permeate light from one angle and reflect it to another. By placing the film on the windows of an observatory, the scenery could be seen as usual during the day, but at night an image is projected and both the night view and the image could be seen.


Mr. Muramatsu said that he was attached to light as an artist. He said, “Without light it is pitch black, and there wouldn’t be the capability of expression to start with. Because there is light, there are colors, and we can feel that things are beautiful. And because there is recognition of colors, there are cultures around the world. Light is probably the most important thing to an artist.”

Light is also a wave - live contrabass performance


The last presentation was by Kenichi Iga, Professor Emeritus, former president at Tokyo Institute of Technology and the inventor of a surface emitting laser, on the subject of “Light and Sound: the Beautiful World of Waves”. It was a harmonious presentation that included contrabass performance and playing music with a computer.

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弦の振動をゴム紐で実演する場面もあり、弦の振動は横波であることが眼で確認 できました。一方,「音波は空気の粗密による縦波であるため、弦の振動と垂 直方向には音は出ない。ところが、コン トラバスのような弦楽器では、弦の横 振動が楽器のボディーに伝えられてボディー各部の板が縦振動する。そこから効率 よく縦波である音波が放 射される。」との説明がありました。そして光も音も 波であり、「今は分野として分かれてしまっているが、どちらも波動なので一緒 に勉強す るとよろしい」との若い人への助言がありました。

There was a moment where the vibration of a string was demonstrated by using a rubber band. It was visible that the vibration is a manner of transverse mode. He explained the mechanism of instrument: “Normally the string vibrating with transverse mode cannot radiate longitudinal sound wave to its normal direction. But a loud sound could be created by the longitudinal vibration in the board of instruments such as contrabass. That vibration is effectively driven by the string through the bridge. This is the physics of musical instruments.” He recommended the young participants to study the light and sound together as they both involve wave motions although they are currently studied separately.


He also talked about the field of lasers, which he specializes in. With a semiconductor laser, when the electron and the hole enter the same space, they interfere and create light. In contrast to the LED with the same mechanism that spreads spontaneously emitted light, the laser becomes a beam with a pure spectrum because of the interference of reflecting mirrors.


Research on light became common after 1960. Prof. Iga said that the idea of surface emitting laser emerged while he was sleeping at night in 1977. He emphasized that “dissatisfaction was a mother of invention.” Amongst all the problems regarding lasers at the time, he was especially frustrated by the lack of semiconductor laser which could be made by the processes similar to that of integrated circuits. Later, the surface emitting laser developed by Prof. Iga was applied to things like laser mouse and laser printers.


There was time for questions and answers after every lecturer. The audience, ranging from high school students to specialists was very earnest on questioning the guests. The panelists answered with great passion that there was hardly any time left.


At the end of the session, Sotaro Ito, Deputy Executive Director of JST, gave the closing words and closed by commenting, “We heard many presentations about light by researchers and creators leading the world and representing Japan. I hope this inspired you to think about light.”

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【Reporter's Comment】


After hearing all the interesting stories and research on light, three hours had gone by in an instance. There were many stories on light that truly intrigued me from the heart, including “The Hikari Exhibition” of the National Science Museum, not to mention the winning Nobel Prize of Mr. Takaaki Kajita. This session was deeply moving as I was able to actually feel and hear from the foremost figures of this topic. It was impressive to see that people from youth to elderly were studiously listening to the panelists. (Yu Yachi)



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