アゴラ2015 開幕・閉幕・キーノートセッション 開催報告
Report on Agora Keynote Sessions 2015


Keynote Session 4
Let’s explore the world! - The link between the society and scientist who transformed themselves after studying abroad -

■開催概要/Session Information


■レポート/Session Report

Let’s jump into the world and expand the possibilities in the future


“What can I experience overseas?” “How did study abroad change my life?” Those who had studied overseas shared their experiences and the significance of studying abroad to young people.


What are the advantages of studying abroad?


The symposium was held for those who were interested in studying abroad with six panelists Prof. Kohei Itoh, Dr. Masaru Tsuchiya, Ms. Yukari Tadokoro, Dr. Takehiro Kojima, Mr. Taka Omae, and Mr. Daisuke Machida, who have experiences studying abroad. They shared positive aspects such as being inspired, coming up with new ideas, and being motivated as they were exposed to different culture, way of thinking, and environment through studying abroad. They also shared stories during tough times.


Prof. Itoh, the moderator of this session, stated in the beginning: “You can find a new meaning in your life that is different from fixed ideas in Japan. It may cost you financially, but you will gain a lot of experience through it.” Followed by this comment, the other five panelists introduced themselves and talked about their experiences for 10 minutes each.


“Having fun while studying abroad during my youth helped me create a broad range of personal connections. It is important to experience a variety of things when you are young,” said Dr. Tsuchiya. He continued on, reminiscing his childhood memory of talking to Mamoru Mori, a Japanese astronaut, who influenced him to go study abroad. “When we see Earth from space, we cannot see the national borders. So it is better if you think of yourself as an Earthling instead of Japanese”, he recalled. At Harvard University where he studied, he realized that “there will always be people smarter than you.” There were many interesting or unique people there, including a classmate who became a physicist after being a professional golf player. He still keeps in touch with his friends from Harvard. “I am very lucky to have them in my life. It has been my lifetime treasure to have friends who I look up to all over the world,” he said. He articulated that building such a network early in life could help be successful in the world and to broaden career options. “I highly encourage young people to see the world with an open mind,” said Dr. Tsuchiya.

田所氏は、フランスへの留学経験を元に、留学のポイントを3つ紹介しました。 「最初に、確かな情報を収集してください。留学に興味を持ったら、まずは学校の先生に最新の情報を聞いてみましょう。身近なところに経験豊富な人がいるはずなので、確かな情報を得るのが留学成功の秘訣です。次に、何事にも挑戦してみるのが良いということです。留学する前は大変不安がありましたが、終えてみるととてもプラスになり、自信にもつながりました。最後に、留学先は英語圏以外も面白いということです。科学者は英語以外あまりなじみがないという認識があるかもしれませんが、近頃は英語以外の言語もグローバルになっています」と述べました。。

Ms. Tadokoro made three points in regards to studying abroad based on her experience in France. “First, try to get some reliable information about studying abroad. If you find it interesting, you can ask your teachers for the most updated information. There should be someone with a lot of experience around you, and getting reliable information is the key to success in your study abroad. Second, you should challenge yourself with anything. I was very nervous before studying abroad. But as the end approached, I felt positive of my decision and it gave me confidence. Lastly, it may also be interesting to study in a non-English speaking world. You may think that scientists mainly use English, but recently, languages other than English are also being used globally too,” he said.

Expand your network for more holistic personal development


Dr. Kojima, who is an engineer himself, addressed the importance of personal connections in his work. For example, when an engineer makes a printer, he has to acquire scientific knowledge, build the actual machine with a screwdriver, and even develop the software for it. In that kind of situation, it is very important to have a network where you can connect with other people. Whenever you face a problem that you yourself cannot find the solution to, there is the possibility of solving it together with a friend of a friend, using your personal network. A network is what we will be needing from now on," he emphasized.


He continued, “there were many opportunities to meet people from different fields other than mine while studying abroad. For example, the person next to me was a historian, the person in front of me was a businessman, the person sitting in front of me diagonally was a philosopher, and so on. I was able to talk to a variety of people and expand my network,” he added.


Mr. Omae explained what’s different from being in Japan: “It is relatively easy to start studying at a university in a different country, but it will be harder to graduate compared to Japan. Also, people from other countries tend to be more opinionated, and they all want to become a leader when making a team.” “I have learned to accept cultural differences through my study abroad. People grow by going out of their comfort zone constantly. You only live once, so why don't you go overseas and see something you have never seen?” encouraged Mr. Omae.


Mr. Machida mentioned the recent globalization; in such era “you will need to be able to communicate in English. Being able to handle different cultures will be the first step towards globally succeeding. Studying abroad will help you grow as a person,” referring to the relationship between studying abroad and personal development.



There was a question from the floor: “what was the hardest thing you had to go through when you decided to study abroad and while you were there?” Each panelist answered:


“I had the biggest struggle when I started graduate school in the US. In my freshman year, I almost cried because I could not take notes. But I overcame it and gradually became capable of working on it step by step. There were some rough moments, but it was fun” (Dr. Tsuchiya)


“I started thinking about studying abroad toward the end of graduate school, but it took me a while to decide. I finally did study abroad at the age of 30. I had to take English tests more than 20 times to meet the requirement” (Dr. Kojima)


“During college, I went to a language school through an exchange program, but among the eight members, I was the least fluent in French. I was frustrated that I could barely communicate with my host family, but it helped me realize that I wanted to learn more French and motivated me to once again study abroad during graduate school. The classes were much more complex, but the more I was required to study, the more I improved.” (Ms. Tadokoro)


“Applying to schools was tough enough, but it was nothing compared to after I started studying abroad. It almost made me forget all the struggles I went through when applying. But there were even tougher challenges after I started working. So I guess all the hardships from the past become nothing but funny stories in the end.” (Mr. Omae)

Fun part about studying abroad and deciding a university


The panelists were asked about the things they enjoyed during study abroad. Ms. Tadokoro said, “It was fun living in Paris. I could see the art museums and ballet performances on budget. It was nice to be able to get exposed to a lot of cultural aspects. And I enjoyed shopping because there were many fashionable clothes.” Dr. Kojima responded, “I had fun living with my friends and interacting with them. Now that I think about it, it was also nice overcoming challenges little by little.”


Besides that, Mr. Omae said, “There are world famous schools that Japanese people do not know. It is important not to make judgments only based on Japanese standards. Getting into a university that the Japanese media consider one of the best does not necessarily guarantee your success in the future. If you have this kind of perspective, you can also choose from universities outside the US or Europe.”

Finding a job after coming back to Japan, and security risks


Then Ms. Tadokoro and Mr. Omae responded to the question from the moderator about the difficulties to get a job in Japanese companies after studying abroad as follows:


“After finishing my study abroad, my biggest concern was whether I could find a job in Japan or not. Japan is probably the only place in the world that companies employ new graduates all at once, and I think that needs to change in the future” (Ms. Tadokoro)


“Those in the human resources department in Japanese companies do not always know about universities abroad, or they might not have the standards to make judgments about them. But it is likely that they categorize all the graduates from universities in different countries, so you can easily differentiate yourself from other graduates who have studied at Japanese universities. This trend won’t change immediately so you probably won’t have trouble getting attentions from companies.” (Mr. Omae)


Lastly, each presenter answered the question about safety in other countries.


“It is a pity not to go study abroad because you may think it is dangerous. It is better to make a judgment after you do your research and have reliable information” (Ms. Tadokoro)


“You'll learn how to protect yourself. And, I guess we cannot say that Tokyo will be safe in the future, compared to other cities in the world” (Dr. Kojima)


“I faced some dangerous situations when I was studying abroad. But looking at the statistics, it is more likely to be in a traffic accident in Japan than be in an unexpected incident and accident overseas. I think it is nonsense to give up studying abroad worrying about security risks.” (Mr. Omae) All panelists agreed on not losing the desire to study abroad because of risks.

【Reporter's Comment】


Thanks to all the panelists sharing their successful and challenging stories, I began to see various options for studying abroad. I also learned that there are options around the world other than famous schools. A panelist said that it is important to decide a university or where to go based on what you want to do. That advice was something that I would definitely keep in mind. (Wataru Sudo)



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