アゴラ2015 開幕・閉幕・キーノートセッション 開催報告
Report on Agora Keynote Sessions 2015

サイエンス・コンテンツ・イノベーションの可能性 ~ 先端科学者とクリエーターの交流を加速する ~

Keynote Session 1
Potential Possibilities for Science Contents Innovation ~ Accelerating the Interaction between the Frontier Scientists and Creators ~

■開催概要/Session Information


前半 Part1
  • 00:01:00 妹尾堅一郎
  • 00:12:28 松尾豊
  • 00:22:00 浅見正弘
  • 00:31:45 藤井太洋
  • 00:42:33 高槻亮輔
後半 Part2
  • 00:01:00 パネルディスカッション

■レポート/Session Report


Science and Contents – Possibilities for Mutual Exchanges


What would emerge when scientific research and science fiction cross each other’s path? Inviting experts from different fields such as scientific researchers, technical engineers, writers and venture capitalists, we shared our dreams and discussed possibilities to create a new intellectual field that could arise from the collaboration of science and contents.


“Since the peak in the era of Leonardo da Vinci, 'science' and 'contents', or artworks with entertainment elements, have branched off from one another. But what happens when the two mingle?” Prof. Ken Senoh, President at the Industry-Academia Collaboration Initiative Nonprofit Organization, as the moderator for this session, had gestated the idea of an “innovation studio for science and contents”, whereby science and contents could merge.


Innovation happens from interactions of different fields: Speakers exchanged opinions on how to create a world where entrepreneurs could develop new ideas as a starting point that emerge from mutually inspiring interactions of science and contents.


Four People from Different Fields, Yet Familiar with SF


The first panelist introduced was Dr. Yutaka Matsuo, the leading expert in artificial intelligence research. Having devoted his childhood to science fiction novels, instead of comic books and animated cartoons, he began to find interests in the world expressed by mathematics and physics. Eventually, he chose his career in the world of science, specifically artificial intelligence, as he wanted to go beyond the limitations of human recognition. Currently, he is involved in the development of image recognition technologies, by combining the reinforcement learning and so-called "deep learning", a learning method by programming a multilayered neural network like a human brain. He expects contents creators to illustrate what kind of societies could exist, in order to discuss what kind of a society should be created, with artificial intelligence.


The next panelist was Mr. Masahiro Asami, the current Director and former researcher at FUJIFILM. When he was small, he was interested in collecting fossils and astronomical observations. In particular, he became completely devoted to astronomy after he was shocked by the existence of outer space intelligent life, reading stories from "Shonen Shojo Uchu-Kagaku Boken Zenshu (SF Adventure Series for Young Adults)." He then chose to work at a photography company, partly because he was intrigued by astronomical photography. He told the audience the importance to absorb scientific fiction not just as pure fiction, but rather as various possibilities for the future.

コンテンツクリエーターの側からはSF作家の藤井太洋氏が招かれました。奄美大島で過ごした少年時代、サトウキビの品種改良から科学技術の進歩を目の当たりにしたほか、繰り返し読んだ手塚治虫の『火の鳥』や『ブラック・ジャック』に影響を受けたとのこと。上京後、コンピューターの世界にのめり込んでいきましたが、東日本大震災後、混乱する社会を目にし、放射線の正しい知識を提供したいと筆を執り、デビュー作『Gene Mapper』を発表。以来、SF作家の道に進みました。どんな社会環境になったとしても「人間が幸せに生きたいという気持ちは必ず残っていると信じて作品を書き続けている」と語ります。

Mr. Taiyo Fujii, a science fiction writer, was invited to represent as a content creator. He began sharing his childhood memories back in Amami Oshima, where he learned about technological advancements through the breed improvement of sugar canes. He also repeatedly read "Phoenix" and "Black Jack" by Osamu Tezuka, whichboth influenced him. Since he came to Tokyo, he has focused on learning about computers, but after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and seeing the chaos of society, he decided to share the factual stories on radiation and presented his first work "Gene Mapper" as a science fiction writer. "I continue to write and produce work because I believe that people will continue to wish for a happy life" no matter what happens to society, said Mr. Fujii.


The fourth panelist was Mr. Ryosuke Takatsuki, a venture capitalist. He was also inspired by toys like Gundam and stories related to space such as the Star Wars series, and "2001: A Space Odyssey" while he used to play in the rivers and mountains of Shizuoka during his childhood. Having majored in economics at university, he used to write computer programs and started working for a bank after graduation. After being involved in building the foundation upon the integration of Mizuho Bank, he joined a venture fund in 2001. He now supports ventures: His vision is to "create and expand new businesses in society.”

Hope for Creators toPresent an Ideal Society in Their Content



The focus of the panel discussion was the role of contents in the mutual exchange between science and contents. "What is the purpose" in society with highly advanced technologies? asked Dr. Matsuo. He said that it is the creator’s role to produce contents answering such questions. The development of artificial intelligence means the improvement of "ways (how)" for problem-solving. On the other hand, "humans have both intellect and lives", meaning that they also have "purposes (what)" in addition to problem-solving capability. In a society with highly advanced artificial intelligence, comes the question, what we choose and for what purposes? Dr. Matsuo explained, the more contents that show us how the world with advanced technologies look like, people are more encouraged to discuss an ideal society and imagine what it would look like.


Panelists also talked about an ideal society from a business perspective. Mr. Asami shared a story at then-Fuji Photo Film, around 2005: Given the decline in the photographic industry, the company decided to endeavor in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, with a mission to contribute to "the most important thing to humans" using their technologies. Many ventures that use new technology, often have to face criticisms about its applicability to society and potential harms. However, Mr. Takatsuki said that he would like to support such plans that nobody could guarantee success, using the "right financing” particularly during such a time when entrepreneurs faced criticism. From this discussion, we could see a glimpse of corporate missions and roles that prioritize values for humans and society over the short-term profits.


Accelerate Ideas, Throw a Lead Pass


“Contents can be used as a tool to accelerate abduction, to draw a new idea,” said Mr. Asami. There are two methodologies in science, namely "induction" and "deduction", but according to him, neither of them includes the phases of making hypotheses. When research is not going well, the progress occurs from the hypothesis to emerge via abduction.


“Whereas hypotheses are developed based on facts, contents free from such boundaries may help stimulate abduction. It is also possible that (not only the contents per se) the Sci-Fi-like realities bring new business opportunities and solutions to a problem", Mr. Asami shared his views.


Mr. Fujii mentioned that he had kept in mind the possible contributions of his work to scientific processes when writing. He mentioned that he was indeed contacted by JAXA about "electrically conductive tether," which appeared in his work "Orbital Cloud." Similarly, he also said that there were scenes that reminded the audience of communication satellites and “recommendation” functions in the work of Arthur C. Clarke, a science fiction writer. Mr. Fujii says, “While I did not and cannot make these things happen intentionally, I would be honored” to lead or suggest the direction of science.


Dr. Matsuo, on the other hand, mentioned that science fictions resembled academic papers. There are three ways to support an argument in a paper; the first one is to cite other literature, the second is to conduct an experiment, and the third is to explain the logical coherence regarding different perspectives. He pointed out that highly cohesive and convincing science fictions like "2001: A Space Odyssey" were very similar to academic papers without experiments.


Prof. Senoh observed that people accepted Mr. Fujii's novels because just as much as they could understand the world, they could also sympathize with the characters trying to live happily under any circumstances and felt that there was hope in the end.

Hopeful to Accelerate More Exchanges


Mr. Takatsuki believed that interaction is not only between scientists and content creators but also can be between entrepreneurs and content creators. "It is difficult for startups to advertise because of the lack of funding, but contents creators can help them to share positive stories on new technologies and ideas to the general public, people can support new ventures. Just like contents creators, entrepreneurs also have visions for the future. There might be interesting collaboration opportunities," said Mr. Takatsuki.


Mr. Fujii, Mr. Asami, and Dr. Matsuo all shared their vision for the future where science and contents meet. At the end of the discussion, Prof. Senoh called out: "Please offer us an applause if you think the mutual collaboration [between science and contents] sounds magnificent, and encourage us to do more!" There was a full round of applause from the audience. His visions on "Innovation Studio for Science and Contents" may be realized in the near future.

【Reporter’s Comment】


Personally, the statement "contents (creators) can help (people) visualize the ideal society" has struck me the most. If the contents were created based on the right scientific knowledge and researchers made their accomplishments known to the public, people will understand more and participate more in science. Discussions on "an ideal society" among citizens can also lead to innovation in the social system. I hope that the effect of mutual exchanges between science and contents do not just stay there but will also influences the general public. (Rio Adachi)



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