JST Press Release#1737

December 2, 2024

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
5-3, Yonbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8666

JST to fund 32 research projects under
the Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research
Ecosystem (ASPIRE) Program

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, President HASHIMOTO Kazuhito) has approved funding for 32 new research projects through the "ASPIRE for Top Scientists" and "ASPIRE for Rising Scientists" under the ASPIRE program.

The call for proposals was welcoming applications from Japan-based researchers and international partners funded by eligible counterpart institutions. The seven designated fields were: AI and information, biotechnology, energy, materials, quantum, semiconductors and telecommunications.

A total of 46 proposals were submitted to "ASPIRE for Top Scientists", out of which 14 were selected by expert evaluation. For "ASPIRE for Rising Scientists", a total of 85 proposals were submitted and 18 were selected.

For "ASPIRE for Top Scientists", each project is planned to be funded for five years with support of up to 500 million JPY. For "ASPIRE for Rising Scientists", each project is planned to be funded for three years with support of up to 90 million JPY.


