The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, President HASHIMOTO Kazuhito) has approved funding for five new research projects jointly from the International Science Partnerships Fund, implemented by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) of the United Kingdom and the ASPIRE's Japan-UK Joint Call in Engineering Biology.
ASPIRE program aims to maintain and improve Japan's scientific and technological capabilities by connecting top researchers in Japan and advanced STI countries and regions through international joint research and talent circulation. The program focuses on promoting cutting edge R&D, fostering and mobilizing the next generation of research leaders.
This call for proposals aims to support internationally competitive collaborative research projects between Japan and the UK focusing on the fundamentals of engineering biology and cross-cutting technologies, creating leading international researcher networks, and nurturing early career researchers to drive tomorrow's engineering biology.
JST and BBSRC received a total of 30 proposals for this call, and five projects were selected for funding after assessment by a panel of experts in Japan and the UK and a joint funding meeting.
The research period will be up to three years (36 months).
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Japan Science and Technology Agency
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Tel: +81-3-6261-1994