R&D Project

TSUTSUI Ken-Ichiro PM Photo

Goal 9 R&D ProjectsDevelopment of “Jizai Hon-yaku-ki (At-will Translator)” connecting various minds based on brain and body functions

Project manager (PM)TSUTSUI Ken-IchiroProfessor, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku Uni-versity

Summary of the project

This project aims to develop a Jizai Hon-yaku-ki (At-will Translator) to support com-munications in various situa-tions, contributing to an inclu-sive society. Neuroscientists, molecular biologists, and VR/AR and robotics engineers will collab-orate to develop technologies to quantify states of mind and methods for perceptual, cog-nitive, and motor interventions. A Jizai Hon-yaku-ki will be produced by combining these technologies and methods, facilitating the communication of individuals and small groups.


Milestone by year 2032

Milestone by year 2027

R&D theme progress reports

R&D theme structure of the project

R&D Themes 1 and 2 aim to establish a methodology for mind quantification through animal research as well as human application. R&D Theme 1 (Tohoku U: K. Tsutsui, T. Sasaki & NIPS: K. Kitajo) quantifies one’s short-term states of mind based on the activity of brain and autonomic nervous system. R&D Theme 2 (Tokyo U: A. Hoshino) assesses one’s long-term states of mind based on exosomes, extracel-lular small vesicles released from cells and found in body fluid.
R&D Theme 3 (Tokyo U: Y. Nagai, M. Inami, H. Saito & Tokyo Met. U: F. Homae) de-velops a Jizai Hon-yaku-ki sys-tem. It consists of two central components: (1) an interpreter that “reads” one’s state of mind through AI’s analysis of physi-ological and behavioral data; and (2) an expresser that “con-veys” the interpreted states of mind to the user through sensory technologies like VR/AR and robotics.
R&D Theme 4 (Tokyo U: S. Kumagaya & Showa U: M. Nakamura) promotes the so-cial implementation of Jizai Hon-yaku-ki targeting people with autistic spectrum disor-ders (ASD) and other devel-opmental conditions as initial users. R&D Theme 5 (Tohoku U: K. Tsutsui) broadens the usage of Jizai Hon-yaku-ki to the general population, spe-cifically in early education. Fi-nally, R&D Theme 6 (Tohoku U: N. Osumi) analyzes the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) accompanied by every step of our R&D project, making Jizai Hon-yaku-ki socially accepta-ble.

R&D theme structure of the project

Leader's institution

Tohoku University

R&D institutions

Tohoku University, University of Tokyo, National Institute for Physio-logical Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Showa University

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