R&D Project
Goal 6 R&D Projects (Selected in 2022)Development of scalable Silicon quantum computer technology
Project manager (PM)TARUCHA SeigoRIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science and Quantum computing
Summary of the project
This project aims to develop scalable multi-qubit devices toward realization of Silicon quantum computer. We will use sparse integration and medium-distance quantum coupling to implement a unit structure of qubits and scale up the qubit system by integrating the unit structures. Based on this method we will develop technology bases appropriate to implement large-scale quantum computers by 2030, and expand them in cooperation with the semiconductor industry to realize universal quantum computers by 2050.
Milestone by year 2030
We establish technology bases for fabricating multi-qubit devices toward development of large-scale quantum computers in cooperation with semiconductor industries. In parallel, we perform characterization and high-fidelity quantum operation of the multi-qubit devices, design quantum channels suitable for the quantum links, and produce large-size high-quality silicon substrates, and in addition, demonstrate the principles of quantum phase error correction.
Milestone by year 2025
We use high-quality substrate of silicon/silicon-germanium (Si/SiGe) to establish fabrication technologies for implementing multi-qubit devices with a one-dimensional qubit array as a fundamental structure, and use them to construct a prototype of small- to middle-scale quantum computers. In addition, we inspect new principles for quantum gate circuits constructed by electron wave packets as propagating qubits.
Outline of R&D
R&D theme structure of the project
Si qubit device and the device operation setup: control electronics and a dilution refrigerator.
Leader's institution
R&D institutions
RIKEN, Osaka University, Nagoya University, The University of Tokyo, Kobe University
PDF Download
- Summary of the project (278KB)
- Outline of R&D (437KB)