[Trusted Quality AI Systems] Core Technologies for Trusted Quality AI Systems

Strategic Objective

Trusted AI

Research supervisor


Akiko Aizawa (Professor, Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division, National Institute of Informatic, Research Organization of Information and Systems)


 Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are being applied to a rapidly expanding range of applications in the world at large, and have become indispensable for the creation of new value in scientific, social and economic spheres. However as a consequence of their black box nature, facing built-in biases and other such limitations, deep learning and other machine learning technologies present a variety of reliability/safety related issues that must be addressed before widespread application.
 Therefore our Research Area involves creating fundamental technologies, and constructing AI systems that incorporate these fundamental technologies, leading to the realization of trusted quality AI that humans can use widely and safely in society. In our research we also address such issues as the definition and assessment of the reliability/safety of Human-centric AI systems, the determination of requirements for such systems, and the establishment of technologies to meet those requirements.
 More specifically, we direct our efforts toward the following research and development areas:
(1) Revolutionary/evolutionary AI technologies toward the realization of trusted AI.
(2) Technologies to ensure the reliability and safety of AI systems expected from a Human-centric society.
(3) Technologies to ensure data reliability and support human decision making within a Human-centric AI society.
 Through these efforts we aim to open avenues to the resolution of various social issues, promote the creation of new science and value, foster a community for research into trusted AI and related fields, and heighten the presence of Japanese research within such fields.
 This research area is managed as part of the AI, big data, IoT, and the cyber security integration project developed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (AIP Project).

Research Area Advisors

Hiroyuki Okada Professor, Faculty of Information Design, Tokyo Information Design Professional University
Manabu Okumura Professor, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
Toshihiro Kamishima Part time lecturer, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Yokohama National University
Yoichi Sato Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Yukari Tsuji Senior Vice President of R&D, Head of Information Network Laboratory Group, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION
Masaki Fukuda Professor, Research Center on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Osaka University
Kenji Fukumizu Professor, Department of Statistical Inference and Mathematics, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Yuko Murakami Professor, Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Science, Rikkyo University
Shiho Moriai Senior Executive Director & Exective Director, Strategic Planning Department Executive Researcher, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Makoto Yokoo Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
Naoki Wakamiya Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Hironori Washizaki Professor, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2020
  2. Year Started : 2021
  3. Year Started : 2022

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