New High-Performance Information Processing Technology Supporting Information-Oriented Society - Aiming at the Creation of New High-Speed, Large-Capacity Computing Technology Based on Quantum Effects, Molecular Functions, Parallel Processing, etc.-

Research Supervisor

Hidehiko Tanaka


This research focuses on the hardware and the software needed for realizing novel information processing systems which are indispensable for the high-speed processing of large volumes of information. In particular, this field involves information processing systems based on novel principles such as quantum computers and molecular computers, elemental technologies which can dramatically improve the performance of existing computers according to the requirements of the new era, technologies for improving the safety and reliability of existing systems, and technologies which allow large-scale systems to be maintained at high load.

Year Started : 2003

Haruo Yokota
Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
High Performance Dependable Advanced Storage Systems
Toshihiro Matsui
Acting Director, Digital Human Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Distributed Realtime Information Processing for Humanoid
Kazuhiko Kato
Professor, University of Tsukuba
Building Autonomous Federated Computing Systems

Year Started : 2002

Shunichi Muto
Professor, Hokkaido University
Elemental Technologies for Quantum Information Networks
Kazuo Toraichi
Distinguished Professor, University of Tsukuba
Multimedia Content Coding based on the Fluency Information Theory
Shuichi Sakai
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Base Technologies for Dependable Information Processing
Yoshiki Kinoshita
Director of Research Center for Verification and Semantics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Solving the Description Explosion Problem in System Verification through Structural Transformation

Year Started : 2001

Masami Hagiya
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Polymorphic Molecular Interaction for Constructing Huge Memory
Hiroshi Nakashima
Professor, Kyoto University
Dependable Mega-Scale Computing Based on Ultra Low Power Technology
Mitsuteru Inoue
Research Professor, Toyohashi University of Technology
Ultra-Fast Peta-Byte Information Storage
Kohei M.Itoh
Associate Professor, Keio University
Development of All Silicon Quantum Computers


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