Research Supervisor
Shinji Kawaji
Year Started : FY1997
Ienari Iguchi
Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Quantum Effects of Anisotropic Superconductors and Evolution of Novel Electromagnetic Wave Functions
Mutsuo Ogura
Labo-Leader, Electrotechnical Laboratory
Coherent Quantum Effects in Quantum Nano-Structure with Atomic Layer Precision
Kohei Sanui
Professor, Sophia University
Self-Organized Quantum Confinement Structures
Kohzo Hakuta
Professor, University of Electro-Communications
Nonlinear Optics in Quantum Solid
Mikio Yamashita
Professor, Hokkaido University
Optical-wave Technology in the Cycle-time Region and Its Application to Single Atomic and Single Molecular Dynamic Phenomena
Year Started : FY1996
Yasuhiro Iye
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Spin Quantum Phenomena in Nanostructures
Youiti Ootuka
Professor, University of Tsukuba
Small Metallic Tunnel Junctions -Physics and Applications
Yasuo Oka
Professor, Tohoku University
Studies of Giant Magneto-Optical Properties in Nanostructured Magnetic Semiconductors
Susumu Komiyama
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Exploration of Far-infrared-radiation Techniques Based on Quantum Structures and Investigation of Quantum Phenomena
Shoji Yamanaka
Professor, Hiroshima University
Design and Synthesis of New Nano-Porous Materials with Physical Properties Modifiable by Chemical and Physical Dopings to the Interstices
Masaaki Yokoyama
Professor, Osaka University
Molecular-scale Structure Control of the Organic Thin Film/Metal Interface and Photocurrent Multiplication-type Photo-sensing Device
Year Started : FY1995
Masakazu Aono
Professor, Osaka University, Chief Scientist, RIKEN
Exploring Novel Functions of Artificial Nanostructures
Sukekatsu Ushioda
Professor, Tohoku University
Exploration of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Surface Nano-Structures by STM Light Emission Spectroscopy and Near-Field Optical Spectroscopy
Hiroyuki Sasabe
Professor, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology
Hyper-Structured Molecules for Organic Quantum Device Applications
Akira Shimizu
Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
Manipulation of Quantum Fields
Tetsuo Tsutsui
Professor, Kyushu University
Construction of Novel Emissive Systems Using Self-Organization of Molecules
Osamu Terasaki
Associate Professor, Tohoku University
New Arrayed Clusters in Microporous Materials: Syntheses, Structures and Physical Properties
Masataka Hirose
Professor, Hiroshima University
Silicon Quantum Nanodevices for Information Processing
Koichi Mukasa
Professor, Hokkaido University
Spin Investigation-Development of Spin SPM and Control of Spin States