Research Supervisor
Tomio Asai
Year Started : FY1999
Yoshizumi Kajii
Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Investigation of Atmospheric Reaction Mechanism Using Chemical Perturbation Technique
Toshiro Saino
Professor, Nagoya University
Development of a Real-time Ocean Primary Productivity Observation System for Advanced Utilization of Ocean Color Satellites
Teruyuki Nakajima
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Asian Atmospheric Particle Environment Change Studies
Hirokazu Yoshimura
Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
Influence of the Solar Irradiance and Magnetic Field on the Variability of the Earth
Year Started : FY1998
Tohru Asano (Tohru Nakashizuka)
Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
Research and Observation on the Mechanisms of Atmosphere-Ecosphere Interaction in Tropical Forest Canopy
Mitsuo Uematsu
Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
Variability in Marine Aerosol Properties and Its Impact on Climate Change
Toshio Koike
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Development of Modeling and Satellite Remote Sensing of Atmosphere-Land Interaction
Masanori Yoshizaki
Head of Department, Meteorological Research Institute
Studies on Structure and Formation/Development Mechanisms of Mesoscale Convective Systems
Year Started : FY1997
Shiro Imawaki
Professor, Kyushu University
Kuroshio Fluctuation Prediction Experiment
Yukihiro Nojiri
Head, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Ocean Time Series Observation for Biogeochemical Process Study in the Northwestern Pacific
Yasuo Fukui
Professor, Nagoya University
Development of Vertical Profile Measurement System Equipped with a Superconductive Receiver for Ozone and Other Minor Constituents
Yoshiaki Honda
Associate Professor, Chiba University
Project for Establishment of Plant Production Estimation Using Remote Sensing
Masaaki Wakatsuchi
Professor, Hokkaido University
Clarification of the Actual Condition of Sea Ice in the Sea of Okhotsk and its Role in the Climate System