Research Supervisor
Hidetoshi Fukuyama
Year Started : FY2003
Yoshihiro Asai
Group Leader, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Contact Effects and Transport Properties of Single Molecules
Sadamichi Maekawa
Professor, Tohoku University
Principles of Nano-devices Based on the Internal Degrees of Freedom of Electrons
Year Started : FY2002
Takekazu Ishida
Professor, Osaka Prefecture University
Basic and Applied Researches of Nanofabricated Superconductors
Hayao Kobayashi
Guest Professor, Nihon University
Construction of Nanostructured Molecular Assemblies with Novel Electronic Functions
Hisanori Shinohara
Professor, Nagoya University
Syntheses, Characterization and Application of Novel Carbon Nanotube Materials
Kazuyoshi Tanaka
Professor, Kyoto University
Construction of Nano-electronic Devices Based on Precise Molecular Design
Atsushi Nakajima
Professor, Keio University
Nano-scale Designed Surface Orientated Towards Novel Optomagnetomaterials
Naoto Nagaosa
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Coherence Control of Correlated Electron Systems
Masahiro Yamashita
Professor, Tohoku University
Development and Application of Nano-Molecular Quantum Magnets