Development of High-Performance Nanostructures for Process Integration

※ Affiliations and titles are as of the end of the research activity.

Research Supervisor

Masahiro Irie(Professor Emeritus, Kyushu University)


 For efficient, flexible development of next-generation nanosystems, the effective linkage of top-down and bottom-up processes is essential. This research area aims at exploring how to connect molecular nano-structures and functions to structures and functions of macroscopic materials and creating self-sustained and high-performance nano-structural materials with unique structures and functions that can be achieved only by the bottom-up processes.
At the molecular and supra-molecular levels, minute molecular machines, molecular motors and artificial muscles have been reported, and their specific functions have been discussed. However, we have not yet succeeded in linking these nano-structural materials to the structures and functions of useful macroscopic materials through self-organization and self-assembly processes.
What is most desired for the development of molecular or solid catalysts is that the catalysts should not only be prepared by elaborated molecular and structure design but also be systematically constructed by self-organization and self-assembly processes to realize sophisticated functions not existing before, such as one-pot synthesis of multi-step reactions.
Molecular materials have the potential transforming themselves into any required figure in different ways due to their diversity. With a focus on this potential, the objective of this research area is to pave the way for linking the sophisticated structures and functions already realized at the molecular level (e.g. chemical or physical stimulus responsive properties, catalytic properties, electrical conductivity and magnetism) by using the bottom-up processes to useful materials in a real world and to create self-sustaining and high-performance nano-structural materials having unique functions.

Research Area Advisors

Takuzo Aida
Takashi Inoue
Masakazu Iwamoto
Mitsuru Ueda
Atsuhiro Osuka
Teruo Okano (until March 2010)
Satoshi Kawata
Hideko Koshima
Osamu Nishimura
Kazuhito Hashimoto
Kenichi Yoshikawa

Year Started: 2008

Research Director
Hiroshi Sugiyama (Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
  • Yasuo Mori (Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University)
  • Takashi Morii (Professor, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)

Research Director
Naotoshi Nakashima (International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University)
  • Minoru Kawaguchi (Fukuoka Dental College)
  • Koji Nakazawa (Professor, The University of Kitakyushu)

Research Director
Itaru Hamachi (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
  • Shoji Takeuchi (Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)

Research Director
Akira Harada (Osaka University)

Research Director
Noritaka Mizuno (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
  • Takeo Yamaguchi (Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Year Started: 2009

Research Director
Ariga Katsuhiko (International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science)
  • Satoshi Shinoda (Professor, Graduate School of Science/Faculty of Science, Osaka City University)
  • Hiroshi Tsukube (Professor, Osaka City University)

Research Director
Kazuaki Ishihara (Professor, Nagoya University)
  • Matsujiro Akakura (Faculty of Education, Aichi University of Education)

Research Director
Nobuharu Iwasawa (Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Hidehiro Uekusa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Research Director
Michinori Suginome (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)

Research Director
Kazushi Mashima (Professor, Osaka University)
  • Takashi Ohshima (Professor, Kyushu University)

Research Director
Yasumichi Matsumoto (Kumamoto University)
  • Toshihiro Ihara (Kumamoto University)
  • Seiji Kurihara (Professor, Kumamoto University)
  • Masayo Sakata (Kumamoto University)
  • Tanoue Koji (DOWA Electronics Materials Co., Ltd.)
  • Kazuyuki Matsumoto (DOWA Electronics Materials Co., Ltd.)

Year Started: 2010

Research Director
Jiro Abe (Professor, School of Science & Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University)

Research Director
Kunio Awaga (Professor, Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University)
  • Tamotsu Inabe (Professor, Hokkaido University)
  • Kazuyuki Sakamoto (Chiba University)

Research Director
Shinichi Ohkoshi (Professor, The University of Tokyo)

Research Director
Shigehiro Yamaguchi (Professor, Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University)
  • Stephan Irle (Professor, Nagoya University)
  • Keiji Morokuma (Professor, Graduate Schcol of Science, Nagoya University)

Research Director
Shigeru Yamago (Professor, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University)
  • Toshiyasu Suzuki
  • Tetsurou Majima (Professor, Osaka University)

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