[Carbon-Blue X] Exploring the Potential of Ocean Blue Carbon Through Investigation of Ocean and Carbon Cycling Interactions

Strategic Objective

Elucidation of the relationship between the ocean and CO2 and maximization of ocean functions

Research Supervisor


Shin-ichi Ito(Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)


This research project is aimed at understanding integrally the relationship of the ocean and CO2 and creating innovations for climate change resilience by applying the maximum use of the ocean’s potential. By making use of the project’s transdisciplinary approach, it investigates carbon exchange process between atmosphere, land and ocean, and ocean response function including ecosystems towards atmospheric CO2 concentration increasing.
Specifically, the following three research pillars are set for understanding the effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration on the ocean: 1) Clarification of the ocean processes involved in its carbon absorption, storage and sequestration, and the ocean feedback processes according to the carbon cycle due to ocean warming, acidification and deoxygenation; 2) Assessment of the effects on ocean ecosystem services resulted from ocean warming, acidification, and deoxygenation, and their feedback processes according to the carbon cycle; and 3) Development of innovative fundamental technologies to clarify and control the relationship between the ocean and CO2 .
For promoting this research project, researchers are required to quantitatively analyze various factors of the carbon cycle including CO2 with high precision to establish new models and to verify various types of large-scale data. The project therefore welcomes researchers from diverse fields to unravel the ocean, who have technologies and scientific knowledge such as forestry and agriculture related to terrestrial carbon cycle, information science including machine learning and engineering including measurement technology as well as oceanic research. Through the multidisciplinary research collaboration, the project will promote integrated and flexible management and will also collaborate with the PRESTO research project Exploration of the blue biosphere-climate system towards carbon cycle management to maximize outcomes to achieve our strategic goals.

Research Area Advisors

Masao Ishii Senior Researcher, Climate and Geochemistry Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
Chisa Umemiya Rsearch Manager, Climate and Energy Area, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Waka Sato-Okoshi Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
Jun Kikuchi Team Leader, Center for Sustainable Resource Science, RIKEN
Tomohiro Kuwae Head, Coastal and Estuarine Environment Group, Port and Airpory Research Institute
Koichi Goto Executive officer, Tokyo Branch, KANSO TECHNOS Co., Ltd.
Nobuko Saigusa Director, Earth System Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Yoshiki Sohrin Professor, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Keiko Takahashi Professor, Integrated Institute for Regulatory Science, Research Organization for Nano & Life Innovation, Waseda
Yukari Takamura Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo

Research Projects

  1. Year Started : 2023
  2. Year Started : 2024

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