Research Director
Yasuhiro Hayashi
Waseda University
This study aims to establish a methodology for cooperative energy management systems (EMSs) based on a series of energy management flow composed of prediction, operational plan, and control steps. Particularly, the focus of this team is on a methodology of cooperation among the home EMS (HEMS) which controls the residential photovoltaic generation systems, battery systems, fuel cell cogeneration systems, heat pump water heaters,air conditioning systems, and next-generation vehicles with storage batteries, the mansion EMS (MEMS) which targets the apartment such as collective housing, the building EMS (BEMS) which targets commercial and office buildings, and the power distribution grid EMS (GEMS) which provides high quality power for consumers.As foundations for realizing above purpose, two types of testbed environments, i.e., a software simulation model and a hardware simulator,are developed for evaluation of cooperative distributed EMS methodology on the power distribution network. In this team,specialists in various fields conduct multidisciplinary research, develop cooperative EMS methodology,and evaluate the developed energy management methods quantitatively by using these testbeds.The goal of this team is to conduct a world-class research of integrated cooperative EMS methodology.